
Review Detail of Pilotfranco in Limitless Devil in DxD

Review detail


The story is just meh. First off this is a god wish cliche fic. The problem is that the wishes were not very op well it had potential but the mc doesn’t use the wishes to their full capacity. Another thing is the mc wished for unlimited potential but only reached highclass strength after 11 years of hard constant training. While that is decent other characters in the same fic reach it in significantly less time. He also has certain categories that he is horrible at. The excuse being he isn’t talented but by having unlimited potential talent is pointless cause he has not restrictions in any category. He even gives up a training path to train something else, this makes the unlimited potential basicly trash. He grows like any other side character would. Even though the wishes should have given him mc levels of growth. The side characters are very mid, they seem like an npc tbh. The progression of the novel is very inconsistent. Both is strength wise and plot wise. The writing quality is decent so there’s that. There are a lot of sections in thjs fic that are unnecessary or just plain stupid.

Limitless Devil in DxD


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