
Review Detail of Kowaiii in Protagonist's Evil System: My Girlfriend Turned Into A Dragon

Review detail


I have dropped and tried to reread this novel at least three times already and I have realized that this novel is only for a specific set of people, whoever they may be. Before I say anything I want to state this first and foremost: the writing itself is good. The author seems to understand English enough to the point of writing it in a adequate and clear manner. Unfortunately, the story is another thing entirely. I liked the first chapter, even though it had its extremely cringe moments. However, the cringe gets progressively worse and worse over time. Not to mention, the MC is very unlikeable. The Author said that she/he didn’t want to make him a "Smart lazy guy", whatever that means. I assume what she/he meant by that was that she/he didn’t want the MC to be overpowered. At any rate, during that process the author made one of the most unlikeable and unrealistic characters I’ve read about personally. For instance, we hear that his sister is critically Ill or injured(I forgot which one it was) and was on the verge of dying, the MC was showed in a light that made it seem that he seriously and genuinely cared for her. Instead of worrying about his sister and her medical bill, however, as soon as he leaves the hospital it’s like he completely forgets about her entirely. This guy instead thinks it’s best to go out on a date and be the weirdest he can be only because of something his friend told him. This in itself made me view the MC as shallow and not at all realistic. In my opinion, the characters excluding the MC seems way more realistic, and I would personally prefer any of them to be the actual MC rather than Lucas(mc). I don’t understand why any of the other reviews are not stating any of this, it makes them seem really suspicious because a lot of them are rating this novel 5 stars which is objectively incorrect.

Protagonist's Evil System: My Girlfriend Turned Into A Dragon


Liked by 15 people




I agree and I’m glad that I’m not only one in seeing that because the other reviews was confusing me 😭

EchoesofVoid:I like your review .The Mc is Like Npc for me.

Sorry for posting this twice, I rated it incorrectly the first time.


Hi Month, hope you’re enjoying hating from your alt accounts. 🌝


I searched up the name Month and found that he was another author, and the author of Cold blood - a novel I rated highly not too long ago. I don’t know why you called me that name but my review was far from hate. I just reviewed with constructive criticism.🫤 If you can’t a review like mine than you should prepare for more vocal readers, I usually am very quiet when reading unless I really don’t or really do like a story. Like I said, your story is for a specific set of people.

Jeri_:Hi Month, hope you’re enjoying hating from your alt accounts. 🌝

Yes, yes… Now you look even more sad. The lies you tell to make yourself feel better makes me cringe more than my Mc does. Stop stalking me, I don't care about you, nor do I care about the fake accounts you create in order to hate. I could easily delete this review but I'm going to leave it here to remind you that you're a clown. Auf wiedersehen. 👏🏻

Kowaiii:I searched up the name Month and found that he was another author, and the author of Cold blood - a novel I rated highly not too long ago. I don’t know why you called me that name but my review was far from hate. I just reviewed with constructive criticism.🫤 If you can’t a review like mine than you should prepare for more vocal readers, I usually am very quiet when reading unless I really don’t or really do like a story. Like I said, your story is for a specific set of people.

???🫤 Regardless you shouldn’t want to delete a true review anyway. 👍🏻

Jeri_:Yes, yes… Now you look even more sad. The lies you tell to make yourself feel better makes me cringe more than my Mc does. Stop stalking me, I don't care about you, nor do I care about the fake accounts you create in order to hate. I could easily delete this review but I'm going to leave it here to remind you that you're a clown. Auf wiedersehen. 👏🏻

So even you know that your MC is cringe…

Jeri_:Yes, yes… Now you look even more sad. The lies you tell to make yourself feel better makes me cringe more than my Mc does. Stop stalking me, I don't care about you, nor do I care about the fake accounts you create in order to hate. I could easily delete this review but I'm going to leave it here to remind you that you're a clown. Auf wiedersehen. 👏🏻

He changes…He’s based on people like this reviewer in real life. Making fake accounts to leave reviews, yet couldn’t do so from his real one. Sadge

Kw0z:So even you know that your MC is cringe…

I like your review .The Mc is Like Npc for me.

Kowaiii:???🫤 Regardless you shouldn’t want to delete a true review anyway. 👍🏻

Hi author. I recently saw 'eveofchaos' give this story a reward thingy that pops up in my inbox. It looked mildly interesting so I read a couple of reviews to see if this is something I would enjoy. Seeing you accusing a reviewer of being a fake account doesn't really paint you- and by extension, the novel- in a particularly positive light. We readers have no idea if this is true or not, and I don't really know why you reply to it. I am of the opinion that if you are so convinced, just delete the review, and if not just leave it be. If you want to convince people that it's a fake account then you should probably make a better case for yourself. That's all, good luck with the book!

Jeri_:Yes, yes… Now you look even more sad. The lies you tell to make yourself feel better makes me cringe more than my Mc does. Stop stalking me, I don't care about you, nor do I care about the fake accounts you create in order to hate. I could easily delete this review but I'm going to leave it here to remind you that you're a clown. Auf wiedersehen. 👏🏻

Hello, ah... It's a very long story, to be honest. I'm not trying to convince anyone. We already know which author it was, so there's nothing left to convince here. It's up to the readers to decide whether they want to continue reading the story or not. I can't force them to keep reading if they don't like it. If they don't like mine, I always offer them to read other great stories. But I won't put up with another jealous author who keeps creating multiple alt accounts to praise his own book. I don't delete sensible reviews, that makes no sense. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you express it from a real account, I can at least respect for that. 🙏🏻

LightNovelEnjoyer:Hi author. I recently saw 'eveofchaos' give this story a reward thingy that pops up in my inbox. It looked mildly interesting so I read a couple of reviews to see if this is something I would enjoy. Seeing you accusing a reviewer of being a fake account doesn't really paint you- and by extension, the novel- in a particularly positive light. We readers have no idea if this is true or not, and I don't really know why you reply to it. I am of the opinion that if you are so convinced, just delete the review, and if not just leave it be. If you want to convince people that it's a fake account then you should probably make a better case for yourself. That's all, good luck with the book!