
Review Detail of D4rk_Ghost in Danmachi: Memento Mori

Review detail


I'm making this review after reading the first four chapters, and I can say that the story holds a lot of potencial. Being able to see a different Bell, not clouded by the shadow of Ais opens the doors to new things and different perspectives over scenarios that may or may not happen like in the novel. Can't wait to read more and see how it develops.

Danmachi: Memento Mori


Liked by 3 people




thank you for the review :)


as i am lazy and the summary isnt very direct, is the MC bell? Or is the MC the spirit from the old age guiding bell? And in old ages do you mean pre-gods when people fought with the help of spirits and whatnot? Or is it a common ff reincarnated mc saying he is from the old ages to bell?(not that i dislike them, as i would say i do enjoy the reincarnated MCs)

FabledInk:thank you for the review :)

Bell is the MC, and the spirit is a person from when they fought without Falna's.

DongLong:as i am lazy and the summary isnt very direct, is the MC bell? Or is the MC the spirit from the old age guiding bell? And in old ages do you mean pre-gods when people fought with the help of spirits and whatnot? Or is it a common ff reincarnated mc saying he is from the old ages to bell?(not that i dislike them, as i would say i do enjoy the reincarnated MCs)