
Review Detail of Falsic in Seraphim Princess of DXD

Review detail


It’s a frustrating read. The author drags on the characters problems for up to 66 chapters at the point l dropped the book. They weren’t even hard problems to deal with either, just something that the author takes great joy in throwing in your face. To avoid spoilers, it’s like a Mc in a sports anime being fat and not doing anything about it for the equivalent of a whole novel… Yet in this, the main character’s entire design is one big nerf. Every part of her biology is designed to be weak and the author makes sure to rub that in your face while simultaneously making most characters too stupid to realize… somehow. Then it comes to the author’s lack of understanding of emotions. Just because a person doesn’t show emotions doesn’t mean they’re not there. Her sacred gear, in DxD logic should NOT be as weak as it is. Considering how influencing her previous struggles are on her psycology, well… I apologize for the negativity. Even though I understand what the author’s trying to do, the story just didn’t feel good to read. It’s like watching the first season of Tokyo Ghoul. I understand how it could appeal to some, but I personally don’t like that type of mentally ‘weak’ MC not having any improvement. Being weak is fine, but it shouldn’t take 66+ chapters to see positive change.


Seraphim Princess of DXD


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Do what makes you happy. If it's continuing this story, do that. If it's writing something new, that works too, and sure, I'll give it a try if that's the case. As for advice, I'd recommend picking a set of ideas/plot points and committing. Thinking back, most of the problems I had with this novel was on how you rarely followed through. You were too busy putting in new seeds to water the ones you'd already planted. You never gave me, as a reader, a good reason to care about a single candidate beside the MC. You introduced a lot, but never focused enough on one or two. If I were to give an example that'd illustrate a working model, I'd point to the original DxD. If you look at it on a macro level, it's not very good or consistent, but that's not what it's focusing on. At least before Trihexa, Ishibumi focused on setting up character problems and paying them off shortly after. He didn't stall or hold it over people's heads. Xenovia is a good example. She's not very likeable at first and becomes a fan favorite by the next volume. Issei, as much as he irritates me, grows in every arc in some way or another, whether that be from resolving his personal traumas to establishing a relatable resolve to excel in battle. Say what you want about Ishibumi and his obsession with his new brand of super OP villains, but he knows how to make people like his characters. Anyway, I hope that helps. Good luck in whatever you decide to do. Just keep in mind, write it to have fun for you, not us.

Lambhendelta:You know. I completely understand this and have come to a decision. I made a lot of mistakes since this is my first story and I’d very much like to correct them. So I will be creating a new story with a different protagonist but the same concepts such as the king Cadidates and what not as even I’m frustrated with my horrible pacing problems. I hope you can at least try that one once it comes out and I very much thank you for voicing your criticism as it really does do a lot to help. I’m very sorry about this. (Truth is I had already noticed the bad pacing but since I didn’t get any comments criticizing it I sort of gas lit myself into thinking it was mostly in my head due to my constant second guessing of my actions.)

You know. I completely understand this and have come to a decision. I made a lot of mistakes since this is my first story and I’d very much like to correct them. So I will be creating a new story with a different protagonist but the same concepts such as the king Cadidates and what not as even I’m frustrated with my horrible pacing problems. I hope you can at least try that one once it comes out and I very much thank you for voicing your criticism as it really does do a lot to help. I’m very sorry about this. (Truth is I had already noticed the bad pacing but since I didn’t get any comments criticizing it I sort of gas lit myself into thinking it was mostly in my head due to my constant second guessing of my actions.)