2022-08-01 03:15

POV: When you finally find a fanfic where the MC isn't afraid to change the plot, but it turns out the MC is disappointing ..............................................................................................

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Care to explain?


Tsunade, The Hokage etc constantly manipulate the MC and it seems that the MC instead of getting angry/trying to get out of the problem he is in decides to obey what he is told instead of questioning and literally having free will. Obviously I exaggerate a bit in the last one but it is something that bothers me especially

Juliusk:Care to explain?

Gabichu_Yeah:Tsunade, The Hokage etc constantly manipulate the MC and it seems that the MC instead of getting angry/trying to get out of the problem he is in decides to obey what he is told instead of questioning and literally having free will. Obviously I exaggerate a bit in the last one but it is something that bothers me especially

Check out Naruto: Time Manipulation yes I'm the author and I have no shame in promoting it


He is not manipulated because he knows it he is just going in the flow because there is more positive than negative. Also he is an outsider he will not be viewed in a positive light by other if he doesn't have a proper and strong backing. And the only one he cares for the moment there is tsunade and shizuno, No one else so in the worst case scenario he can just go out of the village with them and that will not be able to anything, Because tsunade has connections with the fire daimyo. He just wanted to fulfill the wishes of tsunade because he care about tsunade and shizuno, And because he can get out of the casino business and have more future paths for himself.

Gabichu_Yeah:Tsunade, The Hokage etc constantly manipulate the MC and it seems that the MC instead of getting angry/trying to get out of the problem he is in decides to obey what he is told instead of questioning and literally having free will. Obviously I exaggerate a bit in the last one but it is something that bothers me especially

he obviously knows he's being manipulated, what annoys me is that he just passively accepts it

_Asterisk_:He is not manipulated because he knows it he is just going in the flow because there is more positive than negative. Also he is an outsider he will not be viewed in a positive light by other if he doesn't have a proper and strong backing. And the only one he cares for the moment there is tsunade and shizuno, No one else so in the worst case scenario he can just go out of the village with them and that will not be able to anything, Because tsunade has connections with the fire daimyo. He just wanted to fulfill the wishes of tsunade because he care about tsunade and shizuno, And because he can get out of the casino business and have more future paths for himself.
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