literally a scam, the moment you get past the free chapters the translation quality drops, characters change names every chapter, sometimes changing multiple times in a chapter it's just so unpleasant to read.
Liked by 6 people
LIKESomeday we will find the HQ of webnovel, gather the people who can't stand this falling quality, gather funds needed and hire an army of muscular dudes in magical girls costumes that would rush inside and spray everything with water guns filled with spoiled milk and glitter and throw stink bombs everywhere...
How do I contribute to this?
Sorry but we allready gave up we couldn't hire the muscle man so we took things in our hands, they tricked us and the HQ was not a HQ at all it was a hardcore furry convention... most of the crew is in the mental hospital we even lost 6 of them to the furries and now they are busy with blow up pokemon dolls.. it was a great tragedy and now i just spend my days reading safe fanfictions in my basement filled with antyfurry weaponry .
My condolences