2022-07-01 09:10

So, the author of this story is my husband, and I know that people might think that I am biased, but I truly love this story so much. Koji is an amazing writer and has spent years doing everything from being a DM in D&D to creating quests and other fun stuff for our game servers, guilds, etc. He has always really inspired me with his creativity and I am so happy that he decided to try writing and that so many people get to read the world he creates and give him lovely feedback. I'm very proud of him! As for the story itself, it's the kind I love. I'm a huge Naruto fangirl and have watched Avatar since episode 1 of the original... Which was a long time ago! The OCs are fantastic. I especially love Jackie (Lei), though I think we all do! There are so many awesome characters, funny moments, serious moments, epic combat and SO much more. I really love Koji's world-building and storytelling. Character interaction, dialogue, and character growth are just as important as awesome fight scenes and cool action. Both sides make a story whole and this one is my favorite. <3 I really can't wait to read more! Sadly, I don't even get spoilers! So unfair. :P Keep up the great work, darling! P.S. Webnovel ate my first review, so I am trying again!

Liked by 23 people


Ван Ши Тонг


Wan Shi Tong! :D

Nobius:Ван Ши Тонг

PixelPawzBR:Wan Shi Tong! :D

Hes your husband? Than tell him to post more!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He is on a break right now, it's mentioned in the last chapter! We're watching the series again (he's refreshing himself) and he's also doing some other stuff that's not related to the story. But he will write more in the future! We just found out there's a "Pause" status, so he is going to select that so people know!

ODlUM:Hes your husband? Than tell him to post more!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just went back to the authors note, thanks for clearing up the confusion

PixelPawzBR:He is on a break right now, it's mentioned in the last chapter! We're watching the series again (he's refreshing himself) and he's also doing some other stuff that's not related to the story. But he will write more in the future! We just found out there's a "Pause" status, so he is going to select that so people know!

Who is the love interest?

PixelPawzBR:He is on a break right now, it's mentioned in the last chapter! We're watching the series again (he's refreshing himself) and he's also doing some other stuff that's not related to the story. But he will write more in the future! We just found out there's a "Pause" status, so he is going to select that so people know!

👀 Have to read to find out.

Immortal_Panda:Who is the love interest?

I'm in chapter 22 atm did the FL appear yet in the chaps? and since there is no harem tag there will only be 1 LI right?

PixelPawzBR:👀 Have to read to find out.

There is Kaliya, though whether she is considered the FL or not, I actually do not know! There is another female who did enter in the last chapter, so... She might be. Despite the fact that I'm Koji's wife, he doesn't give me spoilers, so my guess is as good as anyone else's! Kaliya is a boss though and I love her. Even if she's not the FL, she is still *a* FL in my heart. 😤 Anyway, as for harem, again- I don't know. I have no issue with harem if it's done well. (Plus, Koji and I are an irl trio with our wife, though it's a *closed* trio so no big harem for anyone of us, thank god.) Anyway, Koji doesn't really favor harem stories in most novels, but he also doesn't oppose them. It's based on the story and the writing and the characters. This is something I also don't have a spoiler on, *but*, there has not been a 2nd LI yet.

Kurama24:I'm in chapter 22 atm did the FL appear yet in the chaps? and since there is no harem tag there will only be 1 LI right?

It's ok i don't care much if it's harem or not I just hope the love interest is one of the ATLA characters and not an OC no offense to kaliya but i don't understand why would an author choose an OC when u have potential waifus to choose from like azula (although difficult to make it possible), suki, mai, ty'lee, yue (don't rly have a strong opinion about her since she barely left an impression plus i ship her more with sokka), katara (she can stay with aang). Kaliya can maybe end up with zuko idk if that is possible. P.s you're in a 3 ppl marriage?! i heard that there are harems but i never met someone who is in a harem b4. Just a question out of curiosity was it difficult to manage the relationship (was it bumpy?) or was it smooth? u don't have to answer if it's too personal but I'm just kinda curious since you're the 1st person that i met that is in a harem while being into anime,games.

PixelPawzBR:There is Kaliya, though whether she is considered the FL or not, I actually do not know! There is another female who did enter in the last chapter, so... She might be. Despite the fact that I'm Koji's wife, he doesn't give me spoilers, so my guess is as good as anyone else's! Kaliya is a boss though and I love her. Even if she's not the FL, she is still *a* FL in my heart. 😤 Anyway, as for harem, again- I don't know. I have no issue with harem if it's done well. (Plus, Koji and I are an irl trio with our wife, though it's a *closed* trio so no big harem for anyone of us, thank god.) Anyway, Koji doesn't really favor harem stories in most novels, but he also doesn't oppose them. It's based on the story and the writing and the characters. This is something I also don't have a spoiler on, *but*, there has not been a 2nd LI yet.

Well, I do love Kaliya as much or more than some other female chars that are canon. I guess really depends. Azula is a big no and I *do* love her as a character! But they would just not vibe, in my opinion, even if he tried to help her and such. I do hope they meet though. Mai, I loved, until I found out how she turned out to be in canon- no spoilers but it's blah. Ty Lee is adorbs, but I dunno if fitting. Suki I see more with Sokka. I do like the idea of Yue, just because she is cute but also elegant... I dunno, man. I just want him with someone who matches him well, OC or canon. XD To me that'd be someone kinda funny and sarcastic, cool but still have an elegance or beauty basically about them in a tough way. Commenting again, so this doesn't get cut for length.

Kurama24:It's ok i don't care much if it's harem or not I just hope the love interest is one of the ATLA characters and not an OC no offense to kaliya but i don't understand why would an author choose an OC when u have potential waifus to choose from like azula (although difficult to make it possible), suki, mai, ty'lee, yue (don't rly have a strong opinion about her since she barely left an impression plus i ship her more with sokka), katara (she can stay with aang). Kaliya can maybe end up with zuko idk if that is possible. P.s you're in a 3 ppl marriage?! i heard that there are harems but i never met someone who is in a harem b4. Just a question out of curiosity was it difficult to manage the relationship (was it bumpy?) or was it smooth? u don't have to answer if it's too personal but I'm just kinda curious since you're the 1st person that i met that is in a harem while being into anime,games.

Okay, so for the harem part, haha. Yeah, we are a trio. XD No offense or anything taken, for some people it's quite normal and for many others, it's practically unheard of. I just find whenever people talk about harem amusing because of our marriage, so I wanted to mention this. 😂

Kurama24:It's ok i don't care much if it's harem or not I just hope the love interest is one of the ATLA characters and not an OC no offense to kaliya but i don't understand why would an author choose an OC when u have potential waifus to choose from like azula (although difficult to make it possible), suki, mai, ty'lee, yue (don't rly have a strong opinion about her since she barely left an impression plus i ship her more with sokka), katara (she can stay with aang). Kaliya can maybe end up with zuko idk if that is possible. P.s you're in a 3 ppl marriage?! i heard that there are harems but i never met someone who is in a harem b4. Just a question out of curiosity was it difficult to manage the relationship (was it bumpy?) or was it smooth? u don't have to answer if it's too personal but I'm just kinda curious since you're the 1st person that i met that is in a harem while being into anime,games.

Oh, just saw the rest of the question, lol! It's smooth, but for a reason. I can imagine many can be hard. Our wife and I have been together for years now (since 2004). We 100% were not looking for anyone else, nor had we ever been. We met Koji in a game (Elder Scrolls Online) and after joining his guild, we became best friends, fell in love, and got together. He wasn't looking for anyone, let alone two girls, we weren't looking for anyone either but that is fate! Outside of each other, we also don't seek anyone else, so I don't have that feeling of jealousy that many polyam people do get, nor would I ever want anyone else, so there's no real issue there either. :D

Kurama24:It's ok i don't care much if it's harem or not I just hope the love interest is one of the ATLA characters and not an OC no offense to kaliya but i don't understand why would an author choose an OC when u have potential waifus to choose from like azula (although difficult to make it possible), suki, mai, ty'lee, yue (don't rly have a strong opinion about her since she barely left an impression plus i ship her more with sokka), katara (she can stay with aang). Kaliya can maybe end up with zuko idk if that is possible. P.s you're in a 3 ppl marriage?! i heard that there are harems but i never met someone who is in a harem b4. Just a question out of curiosity was it difficult to manage the relationship (was it bumpy?) or was it smooth? u don't have to answer if it's too personal but I'm just kinda curious since you're the 1st person that i met that is in a harem while being into anime,games.

I'll have to search wiki to see what that spoiler is for mai as for ty'lee her bubbly personality feels like it can make mc's life brighter since he is more of a serious person so it feels like it can work for me but we'll have to see what toji has planned for us

PixelPawzBR:Well, I do love Kaliya as much or more than some other female chars that are canon. I guess really depends. Azula is a big no and I *do* love her as a character! But they would just not vibe, in my opinion, even if he tried to help her and such. I do hope they meet though. Mai, I loved, until I found out how she turned out to be in canon- no spoilers but it's blah. Ty Lee is adorbs, but I dunno if fitting. Suki I see more with Sokka. I do like the idea of Yue, just because she is cute but also elegant... I dunno, man. I just want him with someone who matches him well, OC or canon. XD To me that'd be someone kinda funny and sarcastic, cool but still have an elegance or beauty basically about them in a tough way. Commenting again, so this doesn't get cut for length.

Toji XD Well... It's better than Arthur! Kurama, you should join the Discord that I set up for Koji! It's pretty quiet right now, we've had a lot going on irl, but I plan on getting everything hyped again.

Kurama24:I'll have to search wiki to see what that spoiler is for mai as for ty'lee her bubbly personality feels like it can make mc's life brighter since he is more of a serious person so it feels like it can work for me but we'll have to see what toji has planned for us

Sure why not, can u send me tell me where the link is though?

PixelPawzBR:Toji XD Well... It's better than Arthur! Kurama, you should join the Discord that I set up for Koji! It's pretty quiet right now, we've had a lot going on irl, but I plan on getting everything hyped again.

XD Yes, haha. XD There are a lot of polyam people in the world (people who have more than one partner) however most are very young or are "open" meaning you can all date *other* people, which is what we really do not like, want or do. So, we are a closed trio. ^_^

The content has been deleted

That seems real nice

PixelPawzBR:XD Yes, haha. XD There are a lot of polyam people in the world (people who have more than one partner) however most are very young or are "open" meaning you can all date *other* people, which is what we really do not like, want or do. So, we are a closed trio. ^_^

Polygami and Harem is not really the same thing, (from how I see it), polygami is the three person or more being together, while harem is focused around one person, so two or more people being officialy with the same person while not loving each other

PixelPawzBR:XD Yes, haha. XD There are a lot of polyam people in the world (people who have more than one partner) however most are very young or are "open" meaning you can all date *other* people, which is what we really do not like, want or do. So, we are a closed trio. ^_^
Other Reviews

Ok, so, I've currently read the latest chapter (ch 38 Push and Pull) and I'll be giving my review based on that progress. Just to note, I'm no professional reviewer or anything like that, just a guy who decided to give my two cents about something he liked reading. Writing Quality: 5/5 I couldn't spot anything that made me go, "Oh, that's miss spelled" or "This sentence makes no sense". Either I'm just too blind or it's really just that good. Stability of Updates: 4/5 I started reading this when 38 chapters were already released. So I have yet to experience a 'wait time'. It'd feel unfair if I were to give a 5/5 though. Story Development: 5/5 I think this is being done very well, slow, but still very well. At no point in time did I ever feel any chapter was 'filler'. The overall pacing, though slow, is always in constant motion. If you can't tell yet, if you don't enjoy novels that take their time, then you'll probably want to pass on this one. Character Design: 5/5 Okay, so here is where ... more than a few complaints from other readers have originated from, but I'll cover that in the overview part. The side characters or any character that's not the MC are all very enjoyable to read about. I can truly say that I'd enjoy reading a sort of side content about Lei (or Jackie) and Kaliya during that 3 year time skip. The MC is .... feels... real to me. Not really sure how else to describe that, it's a good thing that's for sure though. World Background: 5/5 Things feel very fluid and consistent with how the world is progressing and reacting. Again, it just feels good and nice with nothing really negative standing out. Overview: Ok then, so, it's a good novel. Plain and simple, it's fun, engaging, I wanted to just keep reading it and not stop... until I had to. A big complaint I've seen from other comments is that the MC isn't the real Madara or that the story is too slow. Truthfully, those comments are correct, but that's not a bad thing though. No, in fact it's a great thing. The Madara in this novel isn't the 'Real Madara', but he's still very strong.... borderline OP. I only say borderline OP cause it's doubtful he'd be able to handle the BIG 'foes' in the spirit realm... for now. Not too sure if that's something that'll change in the future or if it's something that even needs to be changed. At the moment, Madara is his own character unique to the novel, not some overt-OP demi-ninja-god that most people might be used to. That's a great thing though, cause that ties into why the novel feels 'slow'. Gotta remember, this is the ATLA (Avatar: The Last Airbender) world, this is a rather small-low-tier power ceiling world. If Madara WAS full power, he'd bulldoze practically anything & everything in this world, not something that'd be too exciting for every novel. The story goes 'slow', but it gets all those details that are easily missed by many people. Something I feel actually helps to push this novel into a higher tier of novel, if that's even a thing. Look, I feel I've been going on a bit too long here, so I'll just say it's a good novel. Give it a try, see if you like it, no it's not the OP Madara you might be expecting but he's still a fantastic character. I'll be looking forward to reading more. I'll be sure to update/edit this review as more chapters get released to keep it consistent.

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