So yea First of all i had to drop the story. Because its just to frustrating. He has a gravity chamber, an AI for erverything (he even got, throught the AI, the best training plan even possible ) and is a Reincarnator Furthermore he is a Sayajin. Till now you would think noice and kinda unique idea with the crosover of Marvel Onepiece, Naruto and DB but then you read the first few chapter and get to know that he could even improve his DNA even better right? But the out of nowhere a 10year training time skip. But that isnt the problem the problem is how the f could one increase ones power lvl only by ~60k With all the above advatages ???? just the f And how are the only 5stars reviews i call bots. So year your decision And thanks for reading my frustration.
Liked by 3 people
LIKEYes i know that you balanced out the destruction aspect of the power lvls but that has nothing to do with how fast one could gain power lvl and in those 10years he trained nonstop with an hightend gravity in addition to the best training plan and his improvement is way to slow for what he has only 60K. But its your novel. Also besides that erverything is good as i showed that bei the stars i gave.
I agree with this guy but I think he has such a slow increase in Power Level because he’s focusing on training his body for now. Right Author? Most Saiyans use what you’re calling Pure Energy to resist the effects of gravity on their bodies and rely on that same energy to grow stronger. But Victor is training his body right now so his Power Level is growing slower than if he were going all in on Pure Energy training. Plus the body training should give him the decisive advantage that would let him beat anyone at his level since his body is so much stronger than normal. That’s what I’m hoping
Thank you for your feedback. 🙂 You are correct, sir. In comparison to typical Saiyans, MC will have a body that is far superior. Remember how future Trunks hacked Freeza up like he was a piece of some kind of vegetable. Even with the might of over a hundred million power level, Freeza became nothing in the face of a sword. Moreover, MC's Power Level will rise at a considerably higher pace later once he reaches the appropriate age, or the final Growth spurt. Once again, to anyone who may be reading this comment, this is not the DBZ universe. Here, Master Roshi, or characters like Piccolo from Dragon Ball, cannot obliterate the moon like it's bread. I cannot, for the life of me, accept the bug. ****Spoiler**** ****Spoiler**** ****Spoiler**** ****Spoiler**** However, by Chapter 50, MC should have reached quasi Yonkō levels.
I hear what you’re saying(or is it see what you’re writing) But I have 2 comments. 1. Piccolo COULD blow up a SMALL moon if he uses his special beam canon(Makankosappo) to drill a whole through the core and destabilize it. 2. If Victor is over 7ft. tall before his second growth faze how tall will he be after?
his height was my mistake .. I'd be making changes 😅.. or, i'll keep it at the current height. but no more ^
Perhaps he could shrink? You could have him compress instead of expand. It would make his body grow even stronger. Also, have you decided which devil fruit you’ll have him eat? If it’s purely for living longer he could grab Ain or Jewelry Bonney’s time altering fruits. Or you could have him grab Enel’s Lightning fruit for power and speed. There’s also Kaido’s dragon fruit and that Yamato no Orochi fruit eaten by that weak guy. Lastly you could get an og fruit ,like a devil or angel zoan, or even a paramecia with the power to stop things from moving that he awakens so he can stop concepts like gravity and time. Either way I would have Victor grab a spare to give to whoever ends up as his love interest.
my current idea, he won't consume a devil-fruit. In terms of longevity, I've already mapped out my strategy. I appreciate the idea. 😁
Either way you should probably grab one or a couple for any love interest or friend he makes later. Devil fruits are great for an instant boost in power so the strong ones would be helpful for his subordinates later on.
Bruuuuuh, even if he isnt in the DBZ universe, him with the sayian bloodline, gravity chamber, and one piece physique shouldve been enough for him to be yonko captain in those 10 years