do wanna see a dude chase after girls the have a generational gap and be proud about it here's ur story l , wanna see ash Ketchum catch every girl that move regard if his old enough to be there Grandpa u have a story .( author if I find this comment deleted than my speculation of u being a pedo is correct
Liked by 11 people
LIKEFirst of all, I don't care what kind of person you view me as. You are non existent in my life, so your opinion doesn't matter to me. If you want to label me as a pedo, go ahead and do it. Second of all, who decides the age one should marry and how much of a age gap there should between partners? You? Who gave you that qualification anyway? Everyone has the right to decide their worldview without being forced by others to accept something that they don't agree with. For me personally, I think if both male and female are physically and mentally fit for s*x and will not leave any health problem after doing it, it is ok to do it. It doesn't matter how much of a age gape there is between them as long as they are happy with one another. You know what you remind me of, a person who has been brainwashed by propaganda of the so called 'free worlds' where they preach freedom for everybody but the moment your ideology differs from them, your freedom of speech and expression will be taken away and you will labelled as something derogatory or shameful and in worst cases you might even go to jail. I really don't understand people like you who wouldn't even care shaming their ancestors (who probably had multiple wives way younger than them) just to vent on others because your worldview is different from theirs. Anyway, if you want to leave more one star review, go ahead and do it. I don't care.
bro when did I start talking about freedom for everybody , yes I will admit I wrote that comment at 4am without sleep so I was not at the right State of mind to be conversing with anyone but at the end I was probably mad about the whole harem thing . harem to me is great but it just makes me feel a bit odd like the male character is catching pokemon that's the disadvantage with polygamy the characters could be a bit more flashed out just my opinion. lastly sorry for calling u a pedo I apologize could u seem offended and I was clearly venting out my teenage frustrations on ur work . To tell the truth I entirely forgot I made that review also great story I will make a proper review with a clear head this time
Apology accepted. I am also sorry for taking the review too seriously. Tbh, I now have genuine respect for you after reading this reply. Apologizing for something is quite hard than many might think. People like you who do that are very rare.