
Review Detail of Jesper_Jones in Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Review detail


I love the storyline, growth, and system designs. if you like stories with good growth mechanics, this one ticks a lot of the boxes and love to read. I only have two problems: Main item is the female characters all feel the same. Yea they have their own quirks, but when you get to their ‘personal’ moments, they become the same as all the other girls. Second item is the timeline. the book makes it clear that weeks, maybe a month has passed, but suddenly mentions how it is months and months down the road. There was no time skip, it just suddenly all the things that took weeks changed to months. I still love the story, but those were my quips

Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest


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Like I said, still enjoy the story, but I will give an example, but keep it vague so that there are no spoilers. Getting embarrassed they ALL react the same way. 90% of the time it results in stammering. I don’t know about you, but this is rare for me to see. I have seen people laugh it off, grow angry, and either yell or bluster, or mor commonly shut down a little. Yet, for some reason, ALL of these women stammer? Not going to go into other smaller examples, but this is the big one to me. It doesn’t kill the book, but just shows that author can grow their writing, and work on better emerging themselves on exactly how the character would act in different situations

PancakesWitch:idk how could elayne and rita feel the same, they're so different and their differences complement each other, lily is very lax and often times cynical without realizing, she's a bit similar to Elayne, but has a more rude side to her that makes her different, nieve is a faithful knight-type girl, titania is a responsible queen troubled by a terrible past, jenny is an hilarous young woman, unless you havent read that far, i cant really understand what made you think they were all the same!

idk how could elayne and rita feel the same, they're so different and their differences complement each other, lily is very lax and often times cynical without realizing, she's a bit similar to Elayne, but has a more rude side to her that makes her different, nieve is a faithful knight-type girl, titania is a responsible queen troubled by a terrible past, jenny is an hilarous young woman, unless you havent read that far, i cant really understand what made you think they were all the same!