So... Zero No Tsukaima 2.0?. I may read it but i hate WN locks. For now i will add it and read it later and when i do i always give my honest opinion on things. If i didn't like something, i will at least always tell you why and help out with ways to improve.
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LIKESince you answered my review so fast i will give it a read. Hopefully MC gets an stamina boost and D boost since he will need them. You cant have a working and harmonious hârêm without a big D and huge stamina, along with charisma. (Truth)
You need that stamina to *work* for hours right?
Well... i have read upt to chapter 5... and i must say... you have a lot of plot holes lol... The grammar is really good. The Rl8 parts need more work and pls remove the licking floor thing... unless you are into that i recommend delete that part. its really bad taste. Lastly, i recommend you THINK before and after you write. If i make the mc do this or make that even happen... what could happen, what will happen and so on. A good example is. Unless the academy is 100% isolated, with absolutely no way to contact the outside, and is completely autonomous with no trade to the outside for products. Then news about MC is already out. The girls can sent letters outside, use magical ways to deliver news and what not. Its an academy and parents would want ways to contact their children at least. the teachers can do the same, they can definitely sell the news about the mc to the outside for money.... even the workers at the restaurant can say that a MAN IS INSIDE THE ACADEMY. Its a 100% girls school, and suddenly a man appears inside? news are bound to be know across the whole kingdom within a week.