So, let's start with the most prominent features of this novel. (I do not know if this is the author's first novel, so I will review it as if it is) Starting with the good things to the bad things, if you consider them as such, depending on your perspective the bad things I am going to say here may become good things, as the author may see them and hopefully, improve or fix them. Pros-> -The first good thing may actually be how the author handled the world. There isn't a lot to say about it and the characters since only 7 chapters have been released so far, and I've only read 4 chapters since it's late and I need to sleep. -The second thing is the stability of the updates, so far, he has released a chapter every 2-3 days. Cons-> -The first bad thing is obviously, the grammar. The grammar is all over the place, from small things like missed caps to terrible things like lack of punctuation and words being mixed up, making phrase comprehension a chore. -The second bad thing is the presentation. Massive walls of text that can sometimes be 8-9 lines long, this isn't good. It can make the readers lose themselves when reading, especially when the grammar is already a bit over the place and it happened to me quite frequently. My recommendation is to simply cut the phrases, its actually simpler than it sounds. But keeping it in moderation is hard. Some phrases are better being longer than divided, so finding the right spot can be hard. -Third thing may be the background, but I can't say much about it since as I said, only 7 chapters have been released. I'm talking about things such as the concept of the Tower of Trials, game like world with Gods, and systems. I am not giving a bad score about that, but as I said, its all about how the author develops this side of the story. I may nitpicking on this because there is a few mangas I read with the concept of towers and trials... There is even one whose name is literally Tower of Trials. Not assuming anything of course. Aside from that, I think the biggest problem is obviously... The grammar. It would be much more pleasant to read if everything made sense, but I can infer English isn't the author's main language. Funny enough, English isn't my main language as well, so I have a solution for this. Start writing on google docs, and download Grammarly as well. However, keep Grammarly deactivated as you write on google docs, this will allow you to enjoy good docs' automatic correction. After that, pass your work to Webnovel and edit it here with Grammarly, this will make your work 5 times better I'm sure of it. And it will also let you learn more about English itself. ----- Overall, if the author can fix his grammar, I would definitely give him a 4 star, but right now, I'll keep my verdict at around 3.5 stars. It's this low because everything is dependent on grammar, so if the grammar is hard, everything takes a blow, you can't rate the world background if don't understand it. That's all folks, peace!
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