The character of Nico and the way she interact with the MC is confusing. It give the impression she is the MC. The MC is supposed to be reincarnated but he forget his memories instantly and she keep hers(that the MC more or less "plunder"). So it gives a portrayal of Nico way more impressive that of MC (kinda feels like neo-feminism to me). Not to sound sexist or myso but if u pick a story with a male lead to have the FMC in all point equal or even superior u better read a strory with female lead. Must we male feel pathetics and inferior even in novels now to suit the social trent?
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LIKEYou are right in that Nico is portrayed as a pretty OP and competent female. But Max is still THE ALPHA male (the american flag waving in the wind behind him, soldiers saluting and guns shooting). Nico feels more sidelined later in the novel, though relevant. The only problem is that everything happens so fast, yet nothing feels urgent. [If you feel pathethic and inferior in your daily life it could affect your reading of it.] 😔