
Review Detail of Roktah in Dimensional Group Chat as the Sorcerer Supreme (A Non-Harem Fan-Fic.)

Review detail


a good idea badly handled. the mc reincarnates and then we meet him again millions of years after his reincarnation as sorcerer supreme in dxd, we know nothing about him and what happened to him after his death. the author wants to explain all that using flashbacks. the story is often interruped by a boring and mostly irrelevant flashback, once the present continues the author seems to forget where he let off before the start of the flashback and start another conflict without resolving the one before. this leads to a lot of confusion. a lot of POV changes and respective flashbacks as well, its just not enjoyable to read. the moment the story seems to pick up the author sucker punches you with yet another flashback, disrupting the current plot in the middle of a fight of all things. in simpler terms you just can't get into this story.

Dimensional Group Chat as the Sorcerer Supreme (A Non-Harem Fan-Fic.)


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Good i was too lazy to write this so thanks