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sigh, this dude knows damn well he has got zero talent and is just wasting his time. try and make babies instead ffs.
i mean there is nami.
im ptetty sure its thi. Yim Jae Bum - Stigma drama-Slave hunters
did elementalization get nerfed?
what happend to his true sight?
most of the players here should be civilians, so it shouldn't be a problem
not an attempt if its successful.
goro goro no mi turns the one who eats it into a lightning human, he should be completely immune to anything but nature chakra infused attacks(maýbe depends on the author), the weakness mentioned is that they become weak in seawater. garp, its a little hard to say cross universe but i dont see him losing against either madara or hashirama im pretty sure he would knock their heads off with little trouble.
sure but 2 of them are basically useless, and its the lowest level skill available. for the chance to glance into reality from the afterlife? how much is that worth?