
Review Detail of Blue_Robin in I Started To Gain Sentience In An Eroge

Review detail


Truly, I do enjoy this story. This is not a string of words. Nor is it some form of half made concept. This is a fully fledged novel, with every word making you wish to read more. Many times, I'll catch myself with a grin on my face as I read a chapter. It is simply great. It contains neither powerful heroes or some terrifying opponent from the depths of villainy. This is far simpler than any of these stories. So come, join me in this review as I describe to you exactly what form of immersive entertainment this is. First off, the writing quality. When you read this story, you won't be searching for mistakes or laughing when you find them. No. You will be far to busy as your eyes flick from paragraph to paragraph, hanging on to the dialogue and the development of C's odd reality. Words are rarely wasted in this novel, and though during certain scenes of exposition may find yourself questioning why the author is restating something, I cannot say it is that much of an issue. They are minor things, but not enough for me to have any true problems with it. As for the update stability? Don't rely on this novel for daily entertainment. If there is something here that Parmesan truly fails at, its the ability to pump out chapters on a daily basis. When considering when the next chapter of this novel may come out, one must not think quickly, one must think eventually. Story Development. It is slow. To an unreasonable degree. Many things about this novel are quite good but the flow of time is a unrealistic crawl. The developments that happen in the one day we have so far experienced, could have happened over the course of a week. Parmesan is very dead set on making sure we know everything about everyone by the end of the one day that still has not passed. It's unnecessary, character development in the future could possibly be sped up by this, but that could've been done as we went along. Instead we have been limited to a bunch of small introductions which may end up reaching all the way to chapter 40 if there are more heroines to explore. If I were to do it, I would have had us learn things about the characters as they did them, exploring the motivations behind their actions as they put them forwards, while explaining the necessary basis of their personality to make sure it doesn't slow down these developments. All in all, it could have been done much better, without the stifling stagnancy we currently have to deal with. On the other hand, the character design that we have been provided with through this unreasonably long opening arc has been Stellar! Each character has their own personality that is held by a base trait. Kurokawa is dark seeming, while Rachel is a greedy b****** who wants nothing less than absolute ownership of her partner. Laura is a seeming strict class president, while C is supposed to be a simple weak mob, complaining about the popular kids. They all have something down at the base one can remember. If they were in a normal slice of life they could still excel as they are. However they are not. They are all within a yandere Eroge. They have nothing but the greatest setting to make use of their personalities. C our main character, is not a plot device as many main characters normally are. He is a catalyst for others. His trait that makes him ideal is the way he interacts with the readers, explaining and exploring the past of his environment and the things in it. He is the perfect window into the story because he knows every nook and cranny of it. And as the sentience granting bug grows and disrupts the world, he is capable or realizing all the things that are off and drawing our attention to them while showing us what it should have been like. He is our connection to the world, and as such he makes an amazing protagonist. On the other hand, the heroines we have been introduced to have certainly been standout. However they simply haven't done anything due not having the chance to. They have potential, but are locked in this single stagnant day that Parmesan refuses to end. Thus I can't really say much about them besides the fact that their existence is simply minimal due to the fact that they have little impact. So what if Rachel does some scary stuff in the past. It was explained to us. That takes away any fear we may have of her. Kurokawa is the very same. The reason many of the readers like laura is because we get to see things as she does them, and explore her interactions with C as they happen. She is a character who properly exists and grows with the story. The others simply don't get that chance. This is another of Parmesans failures that I hope to see rectified in the future. Finally, we have the world background. That stagnancy I have been complaining about wasn't completely bad. There were some things that were made better because of it. And that's the world background. Worlds and Stories are built on their lore. Both the lore built by the present characters, and beings of the past who allowed them to exist. In this case, the beings of the past are the characters of the present, so all of the interactions and situations spoken of feel in tune with the rest of the world. On the other hand, the world they live in is a game, simplifying the process of building a world that may have under normal circumstances required a massive info dump to understand. Certain things just aren't explained because they either don't exist or anyone can just figure it out. The world is simple. It's not deep, old or waning. It's new, fresh, and based off of logic put together by the author. Here the real world simply doesn't apply, and that's why the story is incredibly immersive. Its one of the reasons I love the story. Anyways, I enjoyed reading up to this point. I now await your return.

I Started To Gain Sentience In An Eroge


Liked by 36 people




The review was so structured and thought out... then I finished and reached this and just started laughing 😂 .

Parmesan:NOOOOOOOOO where is my 5 stars!?!?!?

NOOOOOOOOO where is my 5 stars!?!?!?


Parmesan:NOOOOOOOOO where is my 5 stars!?!?!?

this should be the minimum when writing a review not just 5 or 1 stars without explanation


I feel this review should be updated. personally I feel the godlike character design would not be possible without Parmesan's choice of pacing and storytelling, leaning more towards stream of consciousness than chronological. I agree with your point though.


I just realized that this is my writing style. I have never thought about it before. Thank you.

DaoistndECVz:I feel this review should be updated. personally I feel the godlike character design would not be possible without Parmesan's choice of pacing and storytelling, leaning more towards stream of consciousness than chronological. I agree with your point though.