
Review Detail of Forty_Seven in MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Review detail


Are all author stupid these days? 1). how can he know so much about beginner tasks? ACC to author MC joined the game very late in last life, and he was in need of cash to save his mother. so why would he waste his time on information of early game tasks? and that too very specific (Like chests near mayor's house and all). 2). MC keeps on going for first clear one after another, why would game company ignore his gameplay? he is top player in their game so he should be monitored by company but NOPE. this is stupid that it stops me from reading it.

MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist


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I'm Sorry for using rude word. Sorry


and for the record which im sure you didnt even read half of this chaps. top families r already into him. there's even an entire arc for that


and another thing. before u say someone is stupid, fix ur english first. im not an english speaker too but i dnt go around and say stupid to people unless they provoke me first


the problem is the drama and the info dump


you should have mentioned that MC is stupid. I don't really like these type of MCs. At least Naive MC knows that he lacks experience but Stupid ones are the worst. They will always act as know-it-all, Author will also give them plot armour just to show how intelligent MC is. So it all comes down to Author's writing. PS - When i talk about being intelligent, i just want a normal MC, because on webnovel, intelligent MC = Normal IQ

MiuNovels:and for the record which im sure you didnt even read half of this chaps. top families r already into him. there's even an entire arc for that