First and foremost I most say I was recommended this novel by webnovel front page. When I’m making this review I have only read 23 chapters so take it with a grain of salt. As of right know maybe the rating is like 3.4/5 will probably change. Summery of the idea of the story: Rich kid get transferred to the past before the world ends and uses his inheritance to buy in game currency in a “magical game” that uploads your soul/mind in the body of an noble in a so far generic fantasy world. He pays to win. The author has a hade habit of naming things and not describing things like “snake fire canon” or “female daemon cannon” but like what are the supposed to mean or look like. Then he forgets to add canon later in the chapter so it’s “female daemon” and “snake fire” I’m I suppose to know what they are. The there are what he calls “shield breakers” like what are they. I googled and close thing is spear men with shield from darkest dugeon it’s like the author expects me to know things that he names with out describing them. That’s fine if it’s a fanfic but not a stand alone story. The story also feels eastern. This is not a bad thing and most novels feel eastern on webnovel. Characters feel a bit 2d but I’m not really a long way in to the story yet to know. The world so far is an generic fantasy world with flintlock tech. The original world called “blue planet” don't know why it’s not earth but whatever. Have not been explored more than he is rich and from an “hidden clan” and that it breaks to pieces and only hundred thousand that's in the beta test survives with the soul/mind uploaded to the body of a noble in the other world. They released a lot of chapter in a few days ether this in an translation or the story was already published som were else. So don’t know how updates will be after the release there entire stock. Rating 3/5 out of polished feathers. As said earlier have only read a bit more than 25 chapters so will probably do an update when I have read some more. And somebody let me know if you see this review of if it has been ghosted or taken down. Has happens before. Hope you all have wonderful day.
Liked by 16 people
LIKEEdit 2: Read to 46 or too the point were it’s locked still a 3/5 maybe a 3.5 don’t really know like the concept a bit. But the execution isn’t always there. Seems like it will get better. Will probably wait a while and a few reviews before I read some more. Another thing is that I’m a bit harsh on the novel and author that’s because I like the idea and when it falls short it just hurts my heart it has a lot of potential. Economy is also comply fabricated how could have guests but it breaks my immersion. And it makes it feel like a translation. Nothing wrong with that but say so before. Also a miner thing get a original cover or something more appropriate. Love from Goose