I love the book! Is that the end of the book or are you writing more chapters? If so when can i expect the next chapter or book come out? Im hooked on it!
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LIKESorry for my delay. The app is "Radish". In book 1, it's about 201 chapters. In Book 2, it's about her daughter, the next White Queen. There is less than 100 chapters in Book 2. Great thing about Radish is that you get one FREE chapter every hour, there is also one FREE chapter every 10 minutes by watching an add, total of 4 (four) daily, and 6 FREE bonsus coins daily (3 are needed to open one chapter). You can, of course, purchase coins . So, daily you COULD get 24 FREE chapters (if you don't sleep!) + 4 FREE chapters with 10 minute wait + 2 FREE chapters with daily free coins =30 possible FREE chapters daily. Radish has some of the best books I've read on reading apps. Have fun!