There is nothing, i mean nothing, wrong with this novel. Me going out of my way, to make this review, is a testament to this. Yet i would like to speak a bit, on some things regarding, stanley and his demon succubus girlfriend. While it was a joy, to see stanley come out of his shell, and try to experience life. I've come to note that stanley and ez, share no similarities. I almost suspect, that if not for Stanley's energy or aura, whatever. Ez would have already charmed him, took all knowledge, information, resources, she could and strip him off his, individuality. And, yes while she does mention how all monomo? Or something forgot their names, are all not like that, it doesn't mean majority of them are not. And it's fairly obvious Ez, doesn't really view Stanley as his equal, sure. She loves him, that is fairly obvious too. But it's not love, like that of a man-woman, its how you would love a puppy, or a child, Ez thinks she knows better than Stanley. Not to mention, it's true how paranoid Stanley has been, but Ez has done nothing but disprove him. Sure she didn't mind-rape him, the moment she got her powers. But that doesn't mean she won't, she has already shown how impulsive, and how she thinks she knows what's best for Stan, what if she decided Stan was better off being her slaver for eternity. Sure, she did respect his wishes, and kept him a human, in his nature, but would she respect his choice if he decided to stay a mortal and die? What if she thought she knew better, what if she decides that it's better for earth to be conquered by her empire, who stops her? Stanley "looks" like he is the one who wears the pants, but it's also true Ez had never shown any respect for his decisions. Nor did she acknowledge them, i'm fairly disappointed regarding that.
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LIKEThank you, and despite my negative outlook on this, i hope your chapters on the future can alleviate some of my concerns, and i would like to thank you for your wonderful works my friend. You are a great author.