This story is just author's weird dreams of being perfect and have a harem writen out. It started pretty well but it got over the top quickly, in the second chapter alone, he at IQ 280 unlocks telekinesis and telephaty... he 'thinks' that at 290 he'll unlock pyro and cryo. He makes an female AI, of course, mandatory losers AI harem member, and of course Grandpa Max is already on board in the idea of a harem because MC is such an awesome guy who cAnT bE tIeD uP bY oNe wOmAn, that harem includes his cousin Gwen, which no one in the family minds of course, also because they're 1/4 whatever alien their kids won't have birth defects! Wow, cool. If you really liked this story, get out of the phone, touch some grass, see a psychologist if you need, that's it
Liked by 465 people
LIKEAlthough I agree with your review about the execution part , the part about the psychologist was just plain rude and offensive , what you are saying is if somebody likes this novel then they are not right in the head . Bruh you can like or dislike but you have no right to question other people's tastes .
The grammar in this novel is horrendous , it Doesn't take that much of an effort to correct these mistakes , It's unreadable at some places cuz you got to stop and think for a moment to understand what the author meant in a sentence . Even my grandma who hasn't learned that much English can speak better .
Since you're the third comment I got about this I'll clarify. Most wish fullfilment stories are rooted in insecurity and anxiety, if your dream is to be a super genius, have a perfect body, have a harem, that is, to a certain level, unhealthy. If you read this story, and you really like it and relate to the MC, you love seeing him humiliate others, maybe you do have some mental health to take care of, but don't take me wrong, seeing a psycologist is NOT a bad thing, I think most people should, myself included π
Life_sa_Beach:Although I agree with your review about the execution part , the part about the psychologist was just plain rude and offensive , what you are saying is if somebody likes this novel then they are not right in the head . Bruh you can like or dislike but you have no right to question other people's tastes .
Not everyone who goest to a psychologist is not right in their headsβ¦
Life_sa_Beach:Although I agree with your review about the execution part , the part about the psychologist was just plain rude and offensive , what you are saying is if somebody likes this novel then they are not right in the head . Bruh you can like or dislike but you have no right to question other people's tastes .
you have zero life bro.
Life_sa_Beach:Although I agree with your review about the execution part , the part about the psychologist was just plain rude and offensive , what you are saying is if somebody likes this novel then they are not right in the head . Bruh you can like or dislike but you have no right to question other people's tastes .