right away I will say this story has decent world-building and ok story development. but that's it. first of all, reading the first 15 or so chapters is like rubbing sandpaper on your eyes and is the visual equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. excruciatingly slow start, repeating segments that don't add anything, and a general lack of plot development outside of typical world building combines with machine translation quality English to create a unique abomination. to top it off it's maddening that a story can have such decent world-building while making a character so empty I question if the story even needs them. I will attempt to read the remaining chapters while it's free, but genuinely don't think I can. this novel isn't the worst thing ( that goes to a novel that suddenly became one-piece fanfic at chapter 85ish) but I cannot stress enough how mediocre at best this is.
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