
Review Detail of Fletcher_Isakson in The King Of Passive Skills

Review detail


There's already enough bed reviews on here so I'm going to talk about the things that I like about the story. I really like how his cheats doesn't make him overpowered right at the start it takes a while of grinding for him to start becoming overpowered compared to his peers Another thing I don't get is that there's a couple different people reviewing about his really good amount of luck not being used. LIKE WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT not only is he looking if to get the first Divine level weapon his cheat literally says one in a million to get the skill and he pretty much gets it right off the bat or just with a little bit of grinding if that isn't the luck coming into play I don't know what it is and people are also complaining about in combat his luck isn't taking place which in most video games the look stat if there is one is usually related to the drops/random encounters and usually never related to combat


The King Of Passive Skills

Six Tubes Buddha

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