I got to chapter 10 before i decided to drop this, when we start the story we get your basic intro to the mc (i transmigrated, here is my system which won't wake up for 6 more months, i specialize in history so i know what will happen, and somehow i went from a penny less bum to owning an inn on a corner street in the capital) this was all pretty much chapter 1 after that we meet Charles (the king in disguise) who asks about the situation of a war going on in another country and the kings chances of winning if he participated in the war, to this the mc described the snow storm going on in the enemies territory and a drought unknown to the king going on in our territory....... Now here is where my low score comes into play, the above took like two chapters, we then spend the next EIGHT talking about how amazing the mc is (and only find out in chapter 8 or 9 that the mc did NOT transmigrate but instead traveled too the past which is how he knew the weather, although why he would memorize the weather from most likely centurys past i have no idea) so in essence we have 8 chapters of identifying that the mc is amazing plus needing to cover up a plot hole of how the mc would know the weather in two separate parts of the continent
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