I've caught up completely with this book so speaking as a MMO Gamer, I loved it. I believe you can tell the author's passion from what he's written, and it is clear from this book that he is a fellow gamer and memer. I salute him. His ardor for games is so clearly felt within this book. A fellow gamer can sniff out a fake one like a dead Ugandan knuckles within a Bath and Body Works. This character, Jack, is the true embodiment of an Edgy, intelligent, and gamer we wanna be. I salute you, sir. This book isn't for fools who cannot notice a simple Jojo reference. There are those who probably won't like it. There are those who are gonna feel that there are 'needless references', inserted solely for a wink and a nudge from the author to the reader. To those people, I say: SO WHAT? I welcomed those references. It makes me feel good because I know what they are. Is there something wrong with feeling good and getting an innocent giggle out of understanding a reference? How could I hate the references? I love the memes bruh. (For future insights I have seen, for this book is too good for mere casuals) So here's what I liked about this book: 1. I liked the main character 2. I like the setting the world will take after the game releases. 3. I liked the realistic feeling of an online gaming scene Jack is a good kid. He's had a rough life. He's smart but stubborn, with a Lil spice of comedic timing and understanding. He's an malnourished kid too, should've ate more veggies. He probably didn't do too well in school as well lol. He could be any of my friends who play games. It's a caustic world. People have to survive the best way they know how, sometimes those ways are self-destructive. A lot of the problems with these types of fiction is that they're too drastic. Barely years into the future, the world will have created a new society, etc. and admittedly, it is pretty grim, but I still find it believable. I also love Jack's explanation of the way online gaming works, down to its community. He clearly knows his stuff, from user names to avatars. There are some funny tidbits that can be made of his future knowledge. For a comedic novel that should usually lack complexity and would be more of a middle-grade book, Its length and content is driven with the smallest of details which is so commendable, even if this book is a joke, the Author has some serious skill. Breathtaking work! . . . . . . . You thought there would be more BUT IT WAS ME, ADAGIUM ALL ALONG! Attempt 2: You also thought I wouldn't retype it all again so others could see it?! Attempt 3: Bruh please, this platform is gonna give me an arthritis attack bruh. Attempt 4: I better get some sorta compensation for this mutiny.
Liked by 74 people
LIKEAmen, but your effort is acknowledged (+respect). Your love for the story and the details in the novel (gaming,comedy,etc.) are clearly felt across the screen very clearly like a clear and precious gem 💎 . And thank you for the review which made me not miss out on a good novel. And lastly happy reading 📚 😊 .