Firstly, not bad, I must say. The world-building is quite good and the issues are minimal. Loving the MC as well. Synopsis: Could have done a little better tbh. It's not bad but it's not all that captivating either. Could use some work to draw in more readers. Writing Quality: It's far from terrible but there are minor grammatical errors. There are capitalization issues, incorrect word usage, the incorrect form of words, etc. Some readers won't be bothered by this but others might find it quite bothersome so I would advise the author to fix these issues. Story Development: Quite nice honestly. As I've stated before, I like Kevin's character (excluding the weird way his memory loss is brought about). The introduction of his character and the diversity of magic was done well. Character Design: Not much said but this is a matter of preference. I always say this but some readers rather to imagine how their characters look rather than have them described for them. So it goes either way. Overall, not a bad story. It indeed has a lot of potential to become better. I urge you author to keep giving it your best. Great job so far!!
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