Quality writing, whenever you try to be funny you succeed, the relationships are well developed and the MC's skills are great, although we never saw how he trained them, that's not a big problem.
What I liked most about your story is also what I liked least. The Jotumheim arc has some of the best parts of your story, but it also has the biggest plot holes.
2000 Jotum, only a few hundred gods, it's true that you explained the reasons for those numbers, but the explanation meant little considering that each Jotum can fight 5 gods. The biggest problem with this is that instead of using DxD power levels, you seem to use RoR ones, where the gods are, honestly, disappointingly pathetic, and the Jotum are totally broken, remember that each god in DxD is a power to be reckoned with. How did the gods survive that in the timeline without Thor?
How do some particularly powerful gods compare to a Jotum? You didn't explain that and personally I think you should have.
Speaking of the power of the gods, will there be any change in the power levels of the Norse with Thor's help? Baldur seems quite promising, I don't think I mentioned this, but you are very good at creating characters, I know Baldur is not your creation, but you created his personality from scratch, same with most of the gods and it was honestly perfect.
Thanks for the chapters!!!
If you didn't understand anything I said, I use translator, sorry.