
Review Detail of Player0Kun in Magus of the Wizarding World

Review detail


MC is stupid. He has a supercomputer in his soul and he has to tink what did he do for such a big butterfly effect to occur and Hermione to die, to this i will say that you not only exposed Peter and helped black, he made Granger attend ravenclaw indted of griffendor. You made many decisions that are dumb and only give small time benifit, have tendency to jump into danger for power like azkaban, I mean you has a AI in your soul you should first store all knowledge of magic from room of requirment and create a spell to scan a book in a certain area then raid the books of science, phychology, art, economy or every single field you can get your hands on. Afterall main ability of AI supercomputer is not to tink out of the box solution but create a solution from its already present database. Just think about for a second if ai database was filed with all acknowledge he can find in mundane world, then he can ask his ai to create a programme to evaluate his decision making skills and all the decisions he had made or was going to make. He has most powerful support tool with him.


Magus of the Wizarding World


Liked by 18 people




Hermione died?