
Review Detail of crazyspecter in Magus of the Wizarding World

Review detail


author I give your 4 stars because I hope you won't drop the story and your idea is a good one ...but in truth the way you executed it as of now deserve a lower rate: because of the cheat you gave MC , your wish to start the story earlier and avoiding the MC learning about marvel to soon forced you in making a lot of plotholes and having the MC to be hit by selective dumbness/ignorance (an example the fact that MC learned and should have learned a lot of non mag history and about WW2 even in school too but he never discovered about Captain America and no matter what even in an Au universe because of Captain America being at first only a means for propaganda even before he showed to be a true super soldier (and it is canon) for sure he was mentioned in history books and being mentioned in school even without openly talking about his feats ...I won't talk about not having heard about stark enterprises because it is possible...I think it would have been better if you temporary nerfed the Ai chip by saying that the chip original potential would be unlocked/have is abilities unlocked slowly with the increase of MC magic, with special conditions needed to improvements past what the unlocked chip is able to do originally than almost making him at ful power like in Magus world since the first moment ...furthermore you had your MC keep up with his non magical studies so history should have been studied even if you did not mention him learning about it for reasons unrelated to his education thus further cementing that it is too forced him not discovering about the marvel world yet. Moreover you kept up with this ignorance after you made him discover about the existence of other dimensions and demons already , something that should at least have the MC think about seeing if this world was different from the canon one and most of all if the non magical side has more difference compared to his previous world...I talked a lot about the MC ignorance of being in marvel world too because in my opinion it is the most irksome and one of the worst aspect of this story since it goes past the normal plotholes you expect to find in a fanfic ...it is truly a situation too forced even more than him not getting the marauder's map to study it or things like that

Magus of the Wizarding World


Liked by 1 people




Oh and since he needs to have heard of a war hero. Have you ever heard of Vasily Zaytsev, Patrick Reid, Bernar d Montgomery or Witold Pilecki? All Heroes of WW2.

crazyspecter:I have a niece in primary school and friends who teach there...their history books talks about WW2 too...but it is fanfic so okay ...still I find it strange he never came in contact with the name of Captain America since he had the memories of the original owner of the body before MC got transmigrated .and I am not making up that Captain America was pretty known in marvel world based on things said in the comics too...we can agree to disagree for now

Still not plotholes... I had second world war in my 10th grade in school, that's where I set for the MC to study it, based on my own experiences. He didn't yet read any books about World War 2 because he assumes it's the same since he rather focuses on Science and the stuff he needs. As for knowing Stark Industries name one Company that produces Weapons without googling. I would only know one and that one did only produce tank parts in WW2. I know that because my father works for the Company that only produces Car parts today. I don't know any other weapon Companies without googling it. As for the Marauders Map, why does he need the map until now? Why would he need to study some enchantments that are tied into the wards who do the main job he could figure out it by himself when he needs it.


And the world isn't different from Canon. All I wrote is based on Canon and there is just more. Things that weren't explained in Canon. I expanded and added more details to things that were just mentioned in Canon but never played a role. There is nothing different.

Arrowinmyknee:Still not plotholes... I had second world war in my 10th grade in school, that's where I set for the MC to study it, based on my own experiences. He didn't yet read any books about World War 2 because he assumes it's the same since he rather focuses on Science and the stuff he needs. As for knowing Stark Industries name one Company that produces Weapons without googling. I would only know one and that one did only produce tank parts in WW2. I know that because my father works for the Company that only produces Car parts today. I don't know any other weapon Companies without googling it. As for the Marauders Map, why does he need the map until now? Why would he need to study some enchantments that are tied into the wards who do the main job he could figure out it by himself when he needs it.

for the stark I meant what you wrote too..it is possible he would not know...about history you implied he memorized many books about history too if I was wrong as for the school ,then probably is different from Europe you will study a bit about WW2 way before than 10th grade ...at least the basics...still even after discovering the existence of other dimensions and so many discordant elements from the canon timeline it still seems to forced based on how smart you made him appear that MC would never inform himself about general history ...furthermore with how you introduced shield (the traffic camera that coincidentally was pointed to an house of human trafficker and whose the human trafficking was not noticed but MC was seen it seem a forced aspect) is still irksome MC did not investigate the world and did not notice that he was in marvel


besides captain America and stark industries there is nothing what he could discover to realize he is in marvel. And when did you last time open a history book? I also had WW2 in 10th grade and I am from Germany. 9th grade was 18th century, WW1 and Weimar Republic. i don't really see anything forced there. It would be forced it he just goes and reads a History book what most people don't do besides school just to realize he is in Marvel. As for different dimensions, it was never explained where dementors came from in Harry Potter Canon and there is also a large archway in the ministry that leads to the realm of death so different Dimensions are totally Canon. Keep up the good work author and don't let yourself be forced to write something you donot like. Your Story isn't forced or anything.

crazyspecter:for the stark I meant what you wrote too..it is possible he would not know...about history you implied he memorized many books about history too if I was wrong as for the school ,then probably is different from Europe you will study a bit about WW2 way before than 10th grade ...at least the basics...still even after discovering the existence of other dimensions and so many discordant elements from the canon timeline it still seems to forced based on how smart you made him appear that MC would never inform himself about general history ...furthermore with how you introduced shield (the traffic camera that coincidentally was pointed to an house of human trafficker and whose the human trafficking was not noticed but MC was seen it seem a forced aspect) is still irksome MC did not investigate the world and did not notice that he was in marvel

I have a niece in primary school and friends who teach there...their history books talks about WW2 too...but it is fanfic so okay ...still I find it strange he never came in contact with the name of Captain America since he had the memories of the original owner of the body before MC got transmigrated .and I am not making up that Captain America was pretty known in marvel world based on things said in the comics too...we can agree to disagree for now

Ashmodai:besides captain America and stark industries there is nothing what he could discover to realize he is in marvel. And when did you last time open a history book? I also had WW2 in 10th grade and I am from Germany. 9th grade was 18th century, WW1 and Weimar Republic. i don't really see anything forced there. It would be forced it he just goes and reads a History book what most people don't do besides school just to realize he is in Marvel. As for different dimensions, it was never explained where dementors came from in Harry Potter Canon and there is also a large archway in the ministry that leads to the realm of death so different Dimensions are totally Canon. Keep up the good work author and don't let yourself be forced to write something you donot like. Your Story isn't forced or anything.

Sure let's invent alternate facts... no it's not just so in a fanfic. He didn't learn it because he didn't have it in School yet and it's not something talked about at home. That would be a strange conversation. Hey son we need to teach you about WW2 before you learn it in School because some random dude on the internet has background info on our world and thinks you need to know about it. I checked the curriculum in my Country and Britain. Depending on State in my country you either have WW2 and how it comes to it grade 9 or 10. In Britain based on their national curriculum accessible by the public, it will be taught in Key Stage 3 which is from grade 8 to 10. The exact grade when it will be taught depends on the teacher. So you are just wrong, don't invent people just to prove a point.

crazyspecter:I have a niece in primary school and friends who teach there...their history books talks about WW2 too...but it is fanfic so okay ...still I find it strange he never came in contact with the name of Captain America since he had the memories of the original owner of the body before MC got transmigrated .and I am not making up that Captain America was pretty known in marvel world based on things said in the comics too...we can agree to disagree for now

Bro big sugjestion How about you make the mc a long decendent of solomon His children and childrens Children were cursed to be magicless but the mc somehow dad not get effected by the curse hence he and his line will be the only one to inherit House of name of solomon Sence it was befor merlin there are no gold or vaults or inheritance Not even knollage but him bieng a decendent of soloman he qualifies for a new anchent house Tho he may find a book in the future that only he can open ect This way he has a really good reason to have a harem What u think

Arrowinmyknee:And the world isn't different from Canon. All I wrote is based on Canon and there is just more. Things that weren't explained in Canon. I expanded and added more details to things that were just mentioned in Canon but never played a role. There is nothing different.

in principle, this is the case, but in Marvel they made it clear that the Captain was very popular and known to the general mass, so in his entire life he should have heard about him 5 times so for sure

Arrowinmyknee:Oh and since he needs to have heard of a war hero. Have you ever heard of Vasily Zaytsev, Patrick Reid, Bernar d Montgomery or Witold Pilecki? All Heroes of WW2.

you are absolutely correct my friend


Magus of the Wizarding World 5 months more please

Arrowinmyknee:Oh and since he needs to have heard of a war hero. Have you ever heard of Vasily Zaytsev, Patrick Reid, Bernar d Montgomery or Witold Pilecki? All Heroes of WW2.

more please

Arrowinmyknee:Oh and since he needs to have heard of a war hero. Have you ever heard of Vasily Zaytsev, Patrick Reid, Bernar d Montgomery or Witold Pilecki? All Heroes of WW2.

more please

Arrowinmyknee:And the world isn't different from Canon. All I wrote is based on Canon and there is just more. Things that weren't explained in Canon. I expanded and added more details to things that were just mentioned in Canon but never played a role. There is nothing different.

more please

Arrowinmyknee:Still not plotholes... I had second world war in my 10th grade in school, that's where I set for the MC to study it, based on my own experiences. He didn't yet read any books about World War 2 because he assumes it's the same since he rather focuses on Science and the stuff he needs. As for knowing Stark Industries name one Company that produces Weapons without googling. I would only know one and that one did only produce tank parts in WW2. I know that because my father works for the Company that only produces Car parts today. I don't know any other weapon Companies without googling it. As for the Marauders Map, why does he need the map until now? Why would he need to study some enchantments that are tied into the wards who do the main job he could figure out it by himself when he needs it.

hello may i ask if u haveany active social media accs? happy new yr!


Oi, why did you drop such a good novel?

Arrowinmyknee:Still not plotholes... I had second world war in my 10th grade in school, that's where I set for the MC to study it, based on my own experiences. He didn't yet read any books about World War 2 because he assumes it's the same since he rather focuses on Science and the stuff he needs. As for knowing Stark Industries name one Company that produces Weapons without googling. I would only know one and that one did only produce tank parts in WW2. I know that because my father works for the Company that only produces Car parts today. I don't know any other weapon Companies without googling it. As for the Marauders Map, why does he need the map until now? Why would he need to study some enchantments that are tied into the wards who do the main job he could figure out it by himself when he needs it.