
Review Detail of Aerovium in I Hate Systems

Review detail


I liked it for a bit, I tried writing a longer review with more details but deleted it when web novel smooshed it all into one mega wall of text. Anyways, the character was refreshing and I enjoyed their method of handling things, but he kept feeling like everything was going too easy for him, which later gets explained away as luck from a system fragment. That made me feel like everything the MC did was brushed aside and blamed on luck. There were also some times where it felt slow, mainly when he is flying over the forest, I had to stop myself from skimming over it. That was the first hit. The second hit came after he defeated his first low level system, it was cool and he was ready to take on the world and figure out his next steps! Until suddenly a level 99 system appeared and opened a dimension to an alternate universe, resulting in a large fourth wall break where the main character of the author's other book basically decided to say 'Hey, tell the author to finish writing my story! Also, your name is funny! Also, I'm going to kill this level 99 system and force you to refine it against your will, have fun going back to fight low level hatchling systems.' This really felt like a self insert for me and was not enjoyable at all. I managed to ignore this and move on with the novel because I was enjoying it up to this point barring the luck and free handout stuff. The last thing that got me was when the main character goes to work in a cafe, the bosses daughter suddenly pulls up and is like 'Hey, get in.' Then they proceed to have random sex in the car, with the author telling me how they are thumping and how my cool main character is stuck inside of her, it then gets blamed on a random mutation in one of the animals. I don't really enjoy sex scenes, I really didn't like how abrupt and out of place it felt though apart from that. Anyways, that's just my opinion, I can not go on enjoying this novel after the combo hit of 'It was all luck', 'Author, write my book also handout' and 'Let's have sex in a car because mutated animals.' It really feels like the author is going to continue putting graphic or immersion breaking events randomly into the story. I like Compass and his character development and his decisions though. At heart this feels like a story where a guy just wants to save his daughter by any means necessary, it'd be cool to double down on what makes Compass Compass. Honestly reminds me of system novels that put the main character in strange/random events, which honestly would make sense if Compass is just the puppet of yet another system. Tl;dr, good when it's good, not enjoyable when it's not enjoyable for me. i'm sure others like these bits though


I Hate Systems


Liked by 1 people




I was trying to add spaces into it so it wasn't just mashed together text so I deleted the original one and re-wrote it after I calmed down. No idea how everyone else actually space out their paragraphs.

Overlord_Venus:For some reason, I'm unable to find your review on the novel review section. It's only visible in my author dashboard. It seems you deleted the first review. What about this? This isn't appearing either. Since it was a proper critic, I was planning on highlighting the review on the cons of the novel, but it's not appearing.

i give up i'm just going to leave it here, i tried to put spaces again, last part is 'good when it's good, not enjoyable for me when it's not'


For some reason, I'm unable to find your review on the novel review section. It's only visible in my author dashboard. It seems you deleted the first review. What about this? This isn't appearing either. Since it was a proper critic, I was planning on highlighting the review on the cons of the novel, but it's not appearing.


Do it from PC. It's usually a cluttered wall of text if written from app

Aerovium:I was trying to add spaces into it so it wasn't just mashed together text so I deleted the original one and re-wrote it after I calmed down. No idea how everyone else actually space out their paragraphs.

Yeah, it was from PC. I tried to segment it just by pressing enter and both just spamming actual spaces. It just doesn't want to work so I'm going to leave it as a mess.

Overlord_Venus:Do it from PC. It's usually a cluttered wall of text if written from app