So read upto 10 chapters and i can't bring myself to read more. Basically, MC was arrogant in his school, no mention of him being the bully so just arrogant. And kids in his school didn't like it so they decided to kill him and his family. See how stupid this sounds and all his classmates knew about the plan the girls didn't like the plan but they sat on the sidelines and did nothing. Only two boys were against it but again nothing no idea if they were threatened or not but as you guessed it the plan went through and the kids brunt his house down along with his parents. MC survived due to his quirk but his parents were not so lucky. So anyways he gets temporarily adopted by mirko goes back to school breaks couple of bones of student there and is ploting revenge and i don't know how he'll avoid being the prime suspect and i don't wanna find out. So yeah i find it too stupid to read more.
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LIKEbro you read 10 chapters of a fic and wrote a review. I'm sorry to say that's pathetic, just don't read my guy. If you can even power through the deemed worst of it how will you know if anything gets better? That's like reading only the 1st harry potter book and just stopping. You chose to read barely 10% of what is actually there and made an opinion on it. however your terrible reading habits aren't really my problem. i enjoy writing my fic and that's what matters. Moral of my paragraph you need a better hobby.
Not really, if you couldn’t capture the readers attention in the first chapter, let alone the tenth then that’s on you. You can’t expect people to read 40 chapters just to start enjoying the story. Espcially when the reviewer here was commenting on how dumb the plot is. Accept the criticism and get better.
That comparison only makes sense if the first HP book was bad, but it's not. Extrapolating the quality of a piece of fiction from the first 10% is reasonable; if there are qualities you don't like in that 10% then they are likely going to continue in the rest of the story. Even if they don't continue, those bad things will be the foundation of the story from which all future content is built upon, constantly reminding you of said flaws throughout the story.
if a novel doesn't call my attention on the first 20 chapters (sometimes 10 or less because of some tropes being overused or Chinese novels being sexist and racist, etc.) I leave it there and go look for something that I find better.
do you realize that you're suggesting people endure and keep reading a second book after they found the first one distasteful? it's like me telling you to watch a tv series and to keep doing it through the first season because it gets better at some other point. does ¨hooking on the audience¨ mean anything to you?
agreed i have come across quite a lot of such writer's now days who keep on saying atleast read the till 30-50 chapters it gets better from there on some have complete disgusting MCs and say mc would get better after so and so chapter just for sake of something called character development which most fail at
haha wow you must feel stupid considering everyone disagrees with you XD.