What can I say except wonderfu l? I just arrived on webnovel and I stumbled upon a gem like I rarely found. I read it in one night (yes one night). The story is bewitching and transports you in a universe where people are more real than real. This world is different, fantastic and at the same time very similar to ours which makes me love the novel all the more. The characters are very well developed and the author also lingers on the secondary characters which immerses us even more in the story. There is everything, a little humor, dark moments, as warm, moments of love, suspense, I do not even know what to say. In short, I will stop talking but a piece of advice, go for it ! You won't regret it ! ❤️ Keep going Lucifer Sama ! /(/°/°/)/
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LIKEAnd me what can I say except thanks you ? 🥺 I just don't know in fact what to say but thanks you for the bottom of my heart :3 It's a real pleasure to read this and I Hope you'll continue to read and enjoy my novel ! You made me smile and I'll keep writing just for beiing able to read some comment/review like yours 🙈 Author-San Lucifer 🔥