
Review Detail of T3rrence_ in Girl in the town

Review detail


While reading a noticed a lot of issues haha. The initial idea of the story is pretty good, but it's been used before. Many times before. A business man, driven so much by work, his social life is emptier than my brain during an exam, falling in love with a lowly girl who loves to dream big, but is hindered by the pressure people, her mother, even her best friend, give her. romance + life issues + love triangle = good plot okay but we could've written it better. Maybe stretch to multiple chapters all the story we've covered so far. Without proper setup, best friend love triangles and simple life issues can be interpretted differently with different setups. How long were they best friends? or how rich exactly is our guy? does he have a picky family? what's their everyday life like? I have many questions with only surface level answers. I'm sorry if I may seem harsh haha. Another thing is plot-pacing and character building. Maybe we should've spent the first chapters introducing our characters hehe rather than jumping to the meeting. We should give very proper and vivid descriptions of our characters that when we see the name "Rose", I don't just see a name, but I see the girl and her personality and I see who she is and how she looks like. You know what I mean? Yeah, Sorry I went overboard haha. I just wanted to.. well.. make a review haha. That concludes my review :D


Girl in the town


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