Great job by the author. The story is very well written with few errors (5*). World Background is also very accurate to the Overlord story, if a bit shallow (5*). While I have a few problems with the Main Character, the OC characters seemed very well done, even if they didn't get much screen time (overall, I give character design 4*)(Actually, I don't think one of his OC NPCs, the Terminator one, even got ANY screen time). Lastly, and the most problematic for me, is Story Development. The plot for this story is a bit...meh, I guess. It is very predictable, cliche, and honestly a little boring. MC has no real goal throughout the entirety of the fiction and is quite...unrelatable I suppose would be the best way to describe it. The POV chapters help quite a bit but overall it doesn't seem well thought out. Author rushed the development through the YGGDRASIL arc in order to get straight to the New World arc. This wouldn't have been a problem seems like he had no idea what to do once he got there. Not only did he decide on engaging in a political marriage to take over the Re-Estize Kingdom for some reason, but in the end he refused the marriage and forcefully killed everyone in power anyways (Red Wedding style). Like, what was the point of all the political buildup if you are just going to do a hostile takeover? It made no sense. Then, just like the actual character in the story, author seems to have lost any aim as the plot falls to 'exploring' basically with very little cohesion. In the end, I gave Story Development/Plot 3 stars. Overall, I give the story 4.4 stars. Despite my misgivings, it is still a very well written Overlord fanfiction (one of the few I have found). Umu. . . . .
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