
Review Detail of BadMindDarkRaven in Blood Assimilation

Review detail


Hey guys! This BMDR here, the author of this book. This is my second novel and so far, I have managed to write 40 chapters with 68,263 words at the moment. My dear readers, I would like to know how you feel about this novel overall. Is it a good read or not? Is the pace too slow or too fast? Is this worth your power stones and such? However, I mostly care about the reviews of my novel(s) as without it, I will not know how to improve the book, so do tell me what you think about my book: [Blood Assimilation] through your honest reviews. "Bang!" Please, I am kowtowing and begging you to do me this favor; if not for me, at least for other new readers of my book. Other than that, you can also check out my other and first novel, [Two Worlds: Same But Different]. Thank you for your time and have good reading experience.

Blood Assimilation


Liked by 27 people




Is this harem? I hope not.


The pace is the same as your other novel nor too slow nor too fast , but you can develop the background and the world building more


Nonetheless this novel is better than the first that you wrote


Thank you for honest opinion.👍 I'll try my best to deliver. As for the world buildings, it is still in progress. Probably begins when he enters university or perhaps before he enters university. In any case, look out for it and thank you for being my first supporter for this novel.😊

ReimanCordeiro:The pace is the same as your other novel nor too slow nor too fast , but you can develop the background and the world building more

You might be right about that since it was my first attempt at writing, but that is bound to change from chapter 100 on wards, so if you're curious, you can continue reading if you like🙂.

ReimanCordeiro:Nonetheless this novel is better than the first that you wrote

Maybe, maybe not, but there's a possibility. However, don't worry, if it becomes a harem, it won't be forced so there's a chance you might still enjoy reading the development.

The_Toast_Cat:Is this harem? I hope not.

please be harem

BadMindDarkRaven:Maybe, maybe not, but there's a possibility. However, don't worry, if it becomes a harem, it won't be forced so there's a chance you might still enjoy reading the development.

waiting for harem confirmation


Please no harem

BadMindDarkRaven:Maybe, maybe not, but there's a possibility. However, don't worry, if it becomes a harem, it won't be forced so there's a chance you might still enjoy reading the development.

I like it, it’s not revolutionary or anything. It reminds me of The Bloodline System.


I love how there's people who not want harem and then... "please be Harem" 🤣🤣🤣👌🏽


Harems are the biggest trap i see authors fall into. They make all the girls 1 dimensional with no goals or ambition other than smiping for the MC or they make the MC change his whole personalitly after he gets the harem members, both of which ruin the quality of a story. Watch out for those if you do go for a harem novel 🙏🙏


Don't worry about it. Although I am still deliberating about this. But if it do turn into a harem, it won't be the focus of the story but only a subplot to get some drama in the novel.😄

Tyson_1102:Harems are the biggest trap i see authors fall into. They make all the girls 1 dimensional with no goals or ambition other than smiping for the MC or they make the MC change his whole personalitly after he gets the harem members, both of which ruin the quality of a story. Watch out for those if you do go for a harem novel 🙏🙏

going over the top with how terribly the MC suffers at the start is so draining, it ruins my drive for the story. some of the chapters have a bit much from the chapter before it and the MC seems to be two different people, having one line of thought but acting different from even what he wants to do. having a character like that suddenly be considered to have changed by others that quickly, that's very weird and kind of immersion breaking. There are a lot of little things that make the story feel a bit off and when they all come together, it just really breaks my immersion whilst seeding too much negativity. I get that you are going for an underdog suddenly rising after the immense pressure put on him but you are seeding too much negativity in the reader to be able to make up for it later on. at least that is my perspective on it. it's up to you if you want to get something out of what I wrote or not. I can only wish you luck connecting to the right readers for your story. best of luck!


I had people complain that the torture part was a bit excessive so I decided to put a note regarding skipping it due to aversion in the chapter's title. But it seems you did not see it. But like I keep saying, your views on the character is not completely wrong. He was meant to be unstable at the very beginning of the story. Thus his choices differ sometimes from what he plans on doing. But I planned on developing him after that. As for the chapter from previous chapters, those were just there in case someone forgot where they got off, but don't worry, I barely do that anymore as the story progresses. The negativity part, I didn't think it would be that impacting on my readers considering I originally dubbed this an 'antihero' genre and not a heroic story. Although, he would gradually develop into that kind of character due to certain events that stimulate this mindset further.

Filler1_Name2:going over the top with how terribly the MC suffers at the start is so draining, it ruins my drive for the story. some of the chapters have a bit much from the chapter before it and the MC seems to be two different people, having one line of thought but acting different from even what he wants to do. having a character like that suddenly be considered to have changed by others that quickly, that's very weird and kind of immersion breaking. There are a lot of little things that make the story feel a bit off and when they all come together, it just really breaks my immersion whilst seeding too much negativity. I get that you are going for an underdog suddenly rising after the immense pressure put on him but you are seeding too much negativity in the reader to be able to make up for it later on. at least that is my perspective on it. it's up to you if you want to get something out of what I wrote or not. I can only wish you luck connecting to the right readers for your story. best of luck!

Yeah, I was exclusively going through this on Text To Speech whilst I was preparing a meal and cleaning. I hope you weren't upset by my comment, I never intended to upset you with it or anything. I hope you can keep enjoy writing!

BadMindDarkRaven:I had people complain that the torture part was a bit excessive so I decided to put a note regarding skipping it due to aversion in the chapter's title. But it seems you did not see it. But like I keep saying, your views on the character is not completely wrong. He was meant to be unstable at the very beginning of the story. Thus his choices differ sometimes from what he plans on doing. But I planned on developing him after that. As for the chapter from previous chapters, those were just there in case someone forgot where they got off, but don't worry, I barely do that anymore as the story progresses. The negativity part, I didn't think it would be that impacting on my readers considering I originally dubbed this an 'antihero' genre and not a heroic story. Although, he would gradually develop into that kind of character due to certain events that stimulate this mindset further.

No problem. I actually liked that you brought this matter up for discussion. As a writer, I can only grow with the views and criticism of the readers. Otherwise, it would be pointless to even write in the first place. So I appreciate honest reviews and opinions like yours. And once again, I didn't take any offense to your point of views, I only wanted to clarify some things. Thank you for reading my book. Have a nice day or evening.

Filler1_Name2:Yeah, I was exclusively going through this on Text To Speech whilst I was preparing a meal and cleaning. I hope you weren't upset by my comment, I never intended to upset you with it or anything. I hope you can keep enjoy writing!

That’s one of the reasons why harems are so bad. The girls become irrelevant and are there just to add drama. Like young masters falling in love with them. Or the political problems it cause when there princess or clan heir falls in love with some one or many other points I could name. If it’s only a sub plot or just to add drama it’s best you don’t tbh. What’s the point if there not going to be relevant

BadMindDarkRaven:Don't worry about it. Although I am still deliberating about this. But if it do turn into a harem, it won't be the focus of the story but only a subplot to get some drama in the novel.😄

I like a good harem

BadMindDarkRaven:Don't worry about it. Although I am still deliberating about this. But if it do turn into a harem, it won't be the focus of the story but only a subplot to get some drama in the novel.😄

harem without personality am I right?