
Review Detail of Ballad in Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Review detail


The Story is not bad but sadly it's boring like so incredibly boring. The MC after 100 chapters is still 4 or 5 Years old. we've spent 100 chapters on just world and info dumps I'm sorry but that's just too much. Story had potential but sadly it's ruined cause of the Pacing even CN novels have a faster pace.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures


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It's better that it goes slow, that's the enjoyment of a good book, the author is able to build up the story adding more details. the worldbuilding is fantastic too! There is absolutely no reason to give three stars for you wanting the story to move faster, go read another worse novel that finished in twenty chapters if you want that.


I didn't say it was bad. I said it was boring and it is and that's my right to dislike Long AF Childhood Arcs are the worst to me.

lstreader:It's better that it goes slow, that's the enjoyment of a good book, the author is able to build up the story adding more details. the worldbuilding is fantastic too! There is absolutely no reason to give three stars for you wanting the story to move faster, go read another worse novel that finished in twenty chapters if you want that.

Everything in this story is extremely good besides the flow of it. The fact that he made a year 3 times as long and even then mostly uses days or weeks as measurements of passing time makes it incredibly boring at times to read. If at chapter 100 he atleast would’ve entered school it could’ve been a good pace. Instead he is still so underaged that he can’t really do all that much besides decieving people. The author made such a big world and so much open for development and then locked himself into the cage of a 4 year old. I respect the authors wish of going slow, but this takes the concept of slow too far.

lstreader:It's better that it goes slow, that's the enjoyment of a good book, the author is able to build up the story adding more details. the worldbuilding is fantastic too! There is absolutely no reason to give three stars for you wanting the story to move faster, go read another worse novel that finished in twenty chapters if you want that.

You are wrong. Yes, sometimes a good book can be slow, but this takes it to another level. Also A author should be able to build up the story and worldbulding while progressing the story, not having to stop the entire story and spend a unnessacry time to builld up worldbuilding that will probably never be used

lstreader:It's better that it goes slow, that's the enjoyment of a good book, the author is able to build up the story adding more details. the worldbuilding is fantastic too! There is absolutely no reason to give three stars for you wanting the story to move faster, go read another worse novel that finished in twenty chapters if you want that.