
Review Detail of Nigga_Lzz in Submit to Your New Fire Lord! (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Review detail


it literally warned you in the very beginning of the prologue. why get upset and give bad reviews over something you were warned about? instead of just moving on. the only times I give bad reviews in a situation like this is if I were blindsided buy it without a warning.

Submit to Your New Fire Lord! (Avatar: The Last Airbender)


Liked by 7 people




What’ s hf???




don't act like most prologues add much to stories and are worth the read, most people skip them since the cliches are so usual that there isn't much that needs to be read in the prologue. If it was in the synopsis you whining about people whining about the mc cucking himself and giving bad review would make sense but if it's just the prologue then idk why anyone would be prepared for it.


if you skip over the prologue then that's on you. the prologue usually tells you about the type of MC you're going to get. like if he's a selfish MC, psychopath MC, anti-hero mc or a heroic type. so at worst I'll skim over the prologue. so if you're too lazy to read the prologue then it is no one's fault but yours. not even like you have to read the whole thing the first words are literally "WARNINGS"

FrightKnight88:don't act like most prologues add much to stories and are worth the read, most people skip them since the cliches are so usual that there isn't much that needs to be read in the prologue. If it was in the synopsis you whining about people whining about the mc cucking himself and giving bad review would make sense but if it's just the prologue then idk why anyone would be prepared for it.

man you're acting like I read the story, nah the review he put up along with you and the other people criticizing the dude for it ruined any potential interest I had in reading it. I'm saying most prologues are usually the same. Not once have I read an interesting or even informing prologueon this site, exacrly because the prologue is supposed to establish who the character is, but most authors on this site can't even adhere to what they wrote and progress character in a logical way.

Nigga_Lzz:if you skip over the prologue then that's on you. the prologue usually tells you about the type of MC you're going to get. like if he's a selfish MC, psychopath MC, anti-hero mc or a heroic type. so at worst I'll skim over the prologue. so if you're too lazy to read the prologue then it is no one's fault but yours. not even like you have to read the whole thing the first words are literally "WARNINGS"

tf you talkin about?

Pickles2012:What’ s hf???