
Review Detail of AlexisKhione in Tyranny of Steel

Review detail


if you want a book where except for a wife and concubine there are no good important female characters in fact apart from family there are no female characters that are skilled it's a male dominated world also it's very technical and very male oriented hopefully I'm not the only woman reading this .

Tyranny of Steel


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I'd like to say he's supposed to be a modern man, he should be better than that, but after seeing all the excellent comments that see nothing wrong with that, I don't know what to say *sounds like Taylor Swift's "man".Pd: I have nothing against the first two women, but the third one.... Gives a lot to be desired, I actually abandoned the novel mostly because of her, she also leaves a tremendous plot hole, which I couldn't stand.


This is an alt history novel. If you want to live in a bubble where women and men have the same rights and accesses that exist due to the comforts of a technological society, then by all means go somewhere else.


This web novel portrays women as scum and it's disgusting. Chapter 365 ruined one of the very few good things going for this story and I must assume it only gets worse since he'll be marrying more women and marrying off his kids and sister eventually.


Frankly it is inefficient and counterproductive to include "German Men" only in any part of a constitution that is expected to last for 1000s of years. You can leave it blank due to the fact the world population is only 1-2 bil at the period of time and transportation for long distance mass travel would be impossible for hundreds of years, These are my issues with how women are depicted. It is not because I dislike harems, but rather he is setting up his empire for failure. No matter what if you set up your empire as a world antagonist with 6 bill against you unless you nuke everyone, then his empire will be crushed 300 years later.

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it gets worse he goes after his sister

Sethnut:I'd like to say he's supposed to be a modern man, he should be better than that, but after seeing all the excellent comments that see nothing wrong with that, I don't know what to say *sounds like Taylor Swift's "man".Pd: I have nothing against the first two women, but the third one.... Gives a lot to be desired, I actually abandoned the novel mostly because of her, she also leaves a tremendous plot hole, which I couldn't stand.