
Review Detail of StellNem in Dream Path

Review detail


Hai Hai, I think it's finally time for me to put my own review so I can give you guys an idea about this humble story of mine. So in this World called the 'Dream World' a person's Fate is everything Once one reaches 16 years old he gets the chance to set 3 dreams, Get his Fate Analyzed, And start walking his path. Our MC, Stone's Fate is full of Question Marks, It can be because he's just a Monster, Or maybe someone is intentionally hiding it, But it seems that he's truly a genius among geniuses from his intelligence and Talent alone. But that doesn't mean that he'll instantly reach the top as he needs to fulfill many conditions to Break Through Stages and it is way harder for him than other people. Follow our MC in his journey to find more about himself and reach the apex of the infinite and unknown World! So this is the review's synopsis, The MC might be OP later but that will be a long time from now, Although he got a High-Grade talent and he's a monster by the World's logic, He also got even more difficult Conditions to fulfill before he can break through the cultivation stage. There will be many worlds, epic fights, Events, and overall I'll try and make the Story as unique as it can be. This is my 2nd novel but it hasn't been long since I started writing, I'm also a novel reader so you can expect me to understand your desires. If you find any flaws or mistakes just tell me and I'll fix them. If you have any ideas you can comment them I'll make sure to add them if I can. And lastly, there will be many things that I'll rely on you guys to add to my story like Our Main Character's next Dreams. Please help me get a good ranking on the WSA and even Win if we can why not, It's always good to dream even if you get nothing in the end. 'Dream Until You See the Cream!' Lol. Thank you, and Welcome to our novel the 'Dream Path'! Ps: -There's a reason for the name, I swear!-


Dream Path


Liked by 4 people




Oh ye, forgot something, Real Stuff starts at chap 16 'Chicken Hunting'. The chapters before it are just Physique awakening, Fate Testing, some characters showing up, some info and that's it, But from chap 16 our MC starts to fight/Level up and prepare for the epic stuff to come! So please stick until then, I'm also confident in two things, My fighting scenes as I go around logic and some of the slight movement making the scene more epic and detailed. As for the second thing I'm confident in. it's my English. It's not my first language but on each chap, there's close to no mistake. Of course, I'm no god! there should be some slight flaws in the story or even grammar mistakes, But I will do my best to improve as we go on, Thanks again!