
Review Detail of Hayden_Warburton in Epic of Vampire Dragon: Reborn As A Vampire Dragon With a System

Review detail


0-200 pages is an extremely good read. The system idea is a popular one and the author uses it extremely well. The MC development is shown to all as he goes from a innocent child with power who is completely new to the prospect of living for real to his thoughts that lack any negative emotions to eventually develop to a point of his own understanding of family and camaraderie. Also it's nice to read something where the main MC is overpowered as cultivation novels can get a little... Frustrating non the less as he or she is always running away with their tail tucked between their legs or laying low which eventually gets boring and I lose interest as they all sing the same tune. Now for the bad parts. Unfortunately at act three I believe is when everything becomes hard to keep me as reader fixated with the novel as I found my self skipping a lot of pages. The MC no longer feels like the centre of the story any more as it focuses on his summons to much and fills us with to much information about them that i find non consequential. Also it goes on for to long. Then after all that the MC is beaten and weekend which is got the final nail in the coffin for my attention span for this novel. Started great and then completely spirals out of my( as a readers ) line of attention. That's why to story development for me felt backwards completely. I didn't read to the end unfortunately so maybe he becomes more powerful and gets revenge but isn't that a bit to obvious, as soon as that thought cropped up I lost all interest as I could already imagine how the story was gonna progress. The Author has a lot of potential and I'll still attempt to read future novels. However please consider what your readers want as it's their attention you want to to captivate unless your writing just for your own satisfaction then fine I guess.

Epic of Vampire Dragon: Reborn As A Vampire Dragon With a System


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