2021-08-03 22:48

This is the worst fanfiction I have ever read. You want to make him into an edgy villain fine BUT, I think you don't know what a villain means in all those reference's you mentioned. In most stories even the villains have a motive or goal that drives them into being on the opposite side of their society. A backstory normally a tragic one that forces then into being a villain thats what makes them so likeable. Now what you did with your MC is not make him a villain but just trash. This sorry excuse of a character is trash just fot the sake of being trash, no motive or goal, no backstory or event that shapes him and drives him. This MC is not a villain he's just a sorry excuse of a person and a character and you as the author probably wanted to make something unique in this trash ff world but your trash as well for even writing this. Bad writing and wanting to get better is one thing but if you yourself is already like this? Whatever I can tell your probably a serial killer at heart and needed to vent since you cant kill for real. Just remove this and yourself from site please

Liked by 18 people


Very true because a villain is someone with a motive and not doing it for funsies


Yes, very true. Every villain, without any fail, has a motive for being bad. Toga - wanting a discrimination free society and blood. Dabi - wanting to kill his abusive father Even Destro had one, fighting for usage of quirks to be allowed everywhere. Meanwhile, our MC is doing it just because, no drama, goal or aim, just because. I hate this type of novels.


Lol, not all villain has a back story like that. This is fanfiction and all for one wanted to steal all quirks while he wanted to become strong. You don't even know what a villain is; the villain you mention is just cliche type. Being a villain means you do bad things not just because you're discriminated against and have a bad backstory. You probably don't know about reality and fiction. And I admit it's trash but I like it. Just because he is in MHA means he is discriminated against wow.


Not all villain is like that you mention. Woke up in reality bro.

Npc_a:Lol, not all villain has a back story like that. This is fanfiction and all for one wanted to steal all quirks while he wanted to become strong. You don't even know what a villain is; the villain you mention is just cliche type. Being a villain means you do bad things not just because you're discriminated against and have a bad backstory. You probably don't know about reality and fiction. And I admit it's trash but I like it. Just because he is in MHA means he is discriminated against wow.

Name one villain, that most love, who doesn't have a motive or backstory that shapes their personality and their end goals. Not all villains have a backstory, but they all do have a goal. Especially in these types of anime worlds like Boku No Hero. F.e: Garou tries to become the ultimate monster to rectify the world, ultimately to make the world become unified in the defense against him, and stopping wars and conflict.

Npc_a:Lol, not all villain has a back story like that. This is fanfiction and all for one wanted to steal all quirks while he wanted to become strong. You don't even know what a villain is; the villain you mention is just cliche type. Being a villain means you do bad things not just because you're discriminated against and have a bad backstory. You probably don't know about reality and fiction. And I admit it's trash but I like it. Just because he is in MHA means he is discriminated against wow.

Except the MC here is from 'real' life, in ou world there are people who kill and do worse things than that only for fun, do you really think a criminal captured by a police officer is going to tell you something like, "I killed him to protect my family"? For some it will be the case, but others do it aimlessly. Some criminals even enjoy killing children, yet they have no goal except pleasure, here it's the same, The MC is clearly doing it for fun. only children think that crimes necessarily have a goal.

Zivually:Name one villain, that most love, who doesn't have a motive or backstory that shapes their personality and their end goals. Not all villains have a backstory, but they all do have a goal. Especially in these types of anime worlds like Boku No Hero. F.e: Garou tries to become the ultimate monster to rectify the world, ultimately to make the world become unified in the defense against him, and stopping wars and conflict.

Killing for fun is a goal though right? Your goal is to have fun in the midst of killing.

Delfreed:Except the MC here is from 'real' life, in ou world there are people who kill and do worse things than that only for fun, do you really think a criminal captured by a police officer is going to tell you something like, "I killed him to protect my family"? For some it will be the case, but others do it aimlessly. Some criminals even enjoy killing children, yet they have no goal except pleasure, here it's the same, The MC is clearly doing it for fun. only children think that crimes necessarily have a goal.

Oh yes sorry I misspoke, that's what I was trying to say, the MC here has a goal, and it's all for fun. the person who did the review said that the MC is not a real "villain" because he has no goal, this is wrong, it's like saying that Muscular is not a villain because he kills for fun, that doesn't make sense, this is what Bacronsha_meryer was referring to (i suppose). But you said something that he didn't say, he never mentioned that a villain has no goal, he only said that a villain doesn't necessarily have a cliche background story like in fiction. So I think you misunderstood his words. My last sentence "only children think that crimes necessarily have a goal." is where I misspoke, instead of "goal" I meant "cliche backstory".

Zivually:Killing for fun is a goal though right? Your goal is to have fun in the midst of killing.

Ah, I see now.

Delfreed:Oh yes sorry I misspoke, that's what I was trying to say, the MC here has a goal, and it's all for fun. the person who did the review said that the MC is not a real "villain" because he has no goal, this is wrong, it's like saying that Muscular is not a villain because he kills for fun, that doesn't make sense, this is what Bacronsha_meryer was referring to (i suppose). But you said something that he didn't say, he never mentioned that a villain has no goal, he only said that a villain doesn't necessarily have a cliche background story like in fiction. So I think you misunderstood his words. My last sentence "only children think that crimes necessarily have a goal." is where I misspoke, instead of "goal" I meant "cliche backstory".

do not confuse villain, monster and aliens; they are not the same. With the monsters you cannot reason or coexist, you only have the option to kill or be killed.

Npc_a:Lol, not all villain has a back story like that. This is fanfiction and all for one wanted to steal all quirks while he wanted to become strong. You don't even know what a villain is; the villain you mention is just cliche type. Being a villain means you do bad things not just because you're discriminated against and have a bad backstory. You probably don't know about reality and fiction. And I admit it's trash but I like it. Just because he is in MHA means he is discriminated against wow.
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