
Review Detail of Abdou_Bouhe in My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Review detail


i really don't understand why the ratings are so high yes the story was good at first then it became really nonsense and cringe unnecessary things in each chapter really, and the side characters are brain dead despite living for eons, and the author always shows them as silly and stupid, and their only role is to marvel at McT and his power, and the vulgar phrases are present in abundance in every chapter. We always hear. Oh, Victor is so handsome that he's gone family. Oh, he's strong and talented Oh, he's obsessed with his women. Oh, and his women are crazy hornies!!! Seriously, stupid vulgar phrases that we hear since the first chapter, I don't know how many characters were good at the beginning and then destroyed by the author out of thin air. This novel is brain dead with its characters and ideas. Glowing to Harem lovers without logic and reason It was good at first, then it became worse than Chinese clichés, and there are many, many negatives that a long text is not enough to mention, and I'm surprised that it got a really high rating.

My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.


Liked by 1 people




A wonderful novel that you have never read or heard of Unfortunately, a typical die-hard fan responded: I've read up to chapter 860, and if you want me to tell you what's going to happen, I will, how many harems there are now, etc. When I read a novel, all I want is for it to be a distinctive story with real, lively characters, with depth, and not a brain-dead novel. Every female character in it turns into a yandere despite living for eons, every strong character later turns into a pile of weakness, and every wise and intelligent character is later turned by the author into a pile of stupidity. Every male character here has his only role in admiring Mouloudia’s actions. Characters who have lived for ages are represented as if they were mindless nursery children 98 percent of the novel is yandere, a strong, handsome mc, crazy, horny women, the same dialogue, and 2 percent is actual battles and conspiracy.

Luohuo:why should I argue when someone here who hasn't clearly read the novel to say it's all fan service. have u read the japan massacre arc? read the church arc? read the meeting? read the Greek war arc? actually did u even read anything in this novel coz all I saw in ur comment is a generalize thing which every single SS or SM fan boi says. so I don't even know what to argue. and if u did read those arc then clearly u giving it 1 star just shows that you are a fan boi of SS and loves a slave Mc which ur dogwater 'romance'

goodbye then ☺️


why am I not surprise, you are SS fanboi... why did u even read this story in the first place when this is clearly not the type of story you would enjoy? it's highly rated coz this novel targets a particular audiance of harem and obsessive love fans? nothing hard here. The vulgar language in this novel is a choice, it's not for pg13 readers in the first place so I don't get your argument here. I agree phrases of vic being handsome is overly used but it is a true statement regardless and girls would be horni because he is handsome and strong in the first place, both are causes of each other.


What does SS have to do with this brain-dead novel intended for fan service only? What I hate the most are fans who get angry when you criticize their favorite work. You can argue and try to show that I'm wrong, but no, all you do is say meaningless things, and I'll tell her. This story is bad with its brain-dead characters. It's just for fan service.

Luohuo:why am I not surprise, you are SS fanboi... why did u even read this story in the first place when this is clearly not the type of story you would enjoy? it's highly rated coz this novel targets a particular audiance of harem and obsessive love fans? nothing hard here. The vulgar language in this novel is a choice, it's not for pg13 readers in the first place so I don't get your argument here. I agree phrases of vic being handsome is overly used but it is a true statement regardless and girls would be horni because he is handsome and strong in the first place, both are causes of each other.

What does SS have to do with this brain-dead novel intended for fan service only? What I hate the most are fans who get angry when you criticize their favorite work. You can argue and try to show that I'm wrong, but no, all you do is say meaningless things, and I'll tell her. This story is bad with its brain-dead characters. It's just for fan service.

Luohuo:why am I not surprise, you are SS fanboi... why did u even read this story in the first place when this is clearly not the type of story you would enjoy? it's highly rated coz this novel targets a particular audiance of harem and obsessive love fans? nothing hard here. The vulgar language in this novel is a choice, it's not for pg13 readers in the first place so I don't get your argument here. I agree phrases of vic being handsome is overly used but it is a true statement regardless and girls would be horni because he is handsome and strong in the first place, both are causes of each other.

why should I argue when someone here who hasn't clearly read the novel to say it's all fan service. have u read the japan massacre arc? read the church arc? read the meeting? read the Greek war arc? actually did u even read anything in this novel coz all I saw in ur comment is a generalize thing which every single SS or SM fan boi says. so I don't even know what to argue. and if u did read those arc then clearly u giving it 1 star just shows that you are a fan boi of SS and loves a slave Mc which ur dogwater 'romance'

Abdou_Bouhe:What does SS have to do with this brain-dead novel intended for fan service only? What I hate the most are fans who get angry when you criticize their favorite work. You can argue and try to show that I'm wrong, but no, all you do is say meaningless things, and I'll tell her. This story is bad with its brain-dead characters. It's just for fan service.