-good history. -it would be interesting a * fem of harry potter = henrieta *. -and do not leave the story, there were others of harry potter where they begin as brothers of hermanioni (some or half always hate hermanioni for silly reasons xD). -I hope you include girls like (daphne and her sister who in the original was married to an old man, ginerva wesley, cho chang, susan bones, fleur delacour and her sister, Luna lovegood. the twins, among others who did not are mentioned a lot).
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LIKEbruh, just do the 'Au o Ua' world to not worry about little things, it's more interesting if you do different from the original
and what he got married was only at the end (only because his father wants him to marry a pure blood, the same with his sister who was forced to marry an old man (without mentioning that she is sick), and with the introduction of your protagonist and the change of hermanioni you already changed everything, maybe nothing is the same (simple reason that you can add to daphne and others girls.).
Yeah. The potterverse already change because my OC is not happy let his girl follow to the danger