
Review Detail of Daoisto6vs8n in How It May Be Fate

Review detail


i like this type of writing. it seems different from the type of writing in webnovel. it more like a book. its doesn't seem like the charecters are aware that they are inside the story, which is a quality that a lot of webnovel stories have, but it mainly showing the viewers the story and the different charectes without any connection outside of the story I personly think that there should be more stories in webnovel with that quality cuz it gives us a better understanding of the charecters in the story through different moves and things they do . since stories where the charecters seem to know that they are in this type of story it becomes a whole reason for certain feelings that comes by or actions that they do without any cobnection to a real reqson from the story world only.


How It May Be Fate


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