
Review Detail of John_Keats in Chaos' Heir

Review detail


A million girlfriends, new one every 3-6 months - Its the most annoying thing in this novel, ruining story for me. Does mc have nothing better to do? His loyalty is non existent, its a miracle he is still loyal to humanity and not a retard traitor like mc in Avatar or smth.

Chaos' Heir


Liked by 17 people




My thoughts are the same. Just when you think it can't get anymore ridiculous, another love interest comes. I can't say that I will be continuing reading the novel now that I have reached the arc where the mc is a professor( where, suprise surprise, the mc is sleeping around again). It's wholly seems like a very destructive way of him coping with his trauma.


Honestly my thoughts exactly. Too much fking romance


Yeah you better stop there he gets with cora and then forget about cora cuz that mf went to another planet (well asteroid) so guess what that means you might say a new girlfriend but you’re wrong cuz bud got two in there

Hivi_3580:My thoughts are the same. Just when you think it can't get anymore ridiculous, another love interest comes. I can't say that I will be continuing reading the novel now that I have reached the arc where the mc is a professor( where, suprise surprise, the mc is sleeping around again). It's wholly seems like a very destructive way of him coping with his trauma.