
Review Detail of Allen_Walker1 in In Black Clover as a SpearSaint

Review detail


Bad, what else can I say, I found the idea of ​​the tests and contestants interesting, but quickly the wishes ruin the interest, to start the base of the ROB story is shit, adding 5 wishes that make it or make it worse, What is the point of sending someone to a world where they will be at the top without doing anything, the fun of a story is to see the evolution of the mc and how it grows, this whole platform is full of this, people who do not make an effort to make a good story, but anyway, if I had to give my opinion I would completely modify the powers to something more interesting, I would fix the ROB hole and put more effort in making a good character development, put in little effort and maybe you can be the next Tolkien, good luck

In Black Clover as a SpearSaint


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Pdtt: Sorry for My English