A.r.o.u.s.i.n.g and great written story. C.o.m.p.e.l.l.i.n.g leads' design and immersive details. I find the writing is up to professional standard, little to no grammar mistake. I like the writing style and the premise is great. Story development has been great so far and the way the leads are introduced is impeccable. Great read and very recommended. Perhaps, if you don't mind me asking how many chapters you're planning for this book author?
Liked by 37 people
LIKEAww... thank you so much for an honest and proper review. To tell the truth, I'm always nervous when I write this book. It's because I want to make it perfect. I want to write something that will make readers enjoy it and make them urge for more. Anyhow, I haven't completely finished the whole story set up, so I'm not sure how long it will be. Just you know that this will be the longest Webnovel I've written so far.
I was looking at the other reviews, but none of them answered my question so I'll ask here just in case anyone sees this. All the reviews are from a while ago when I assume there weren't as many chapters so I was wondering if the book is still interesting after a couple hundred chapters. I don't mean to be rude I just don't want to get into a good story that stagnates after it runs out of content and doesn't end, cause it's happened a few times before and it always ruins the book for me. Thanks a lot even if you just see this and if even more if you answer; I've been looking for a good book to get into for a while as things have been getting stale on this website recently.
I'm reading this back and it was so badly phrased. I mean, the question wasn't even voiced actively! Thank God I'm not a writer I could never manage it....