
Review Detail of hkvleeazn in Livestream: The Adjudicator of Death

Review detail


TL;DR book completely and flawedly without effort plagiarized [Death Inquisitor] by [Second Brother] Honestly I read a couple of chapterd and found it oddly familiar, beside for example the way character spoke like “i beg the judge to give them death” or other example like the livestreamer supposedly in New York makes a livestream that reached 40 millions people. Instead of just shortening the original chinese chapters they should have just translated it fully and give it the right novel and author name. just changing stuff there and there but leaving obvious flaws like the use of RMB instead of USD as well. All in all it’s a complete plagiarized book giving neither the original book nor author the fame it deserves.

Livestream: The Adjudicator of Death

Twenty-Eight Peanuts

Liked by 21 people




Is it straight up copying or changing names and situations? I want to read the original one


do you know where to read death inquisitor the original but translated and i don't mean machine translated


Completely different story. If the fact that the MC is a judge and there is a system is copying than 99% of all novels would be copied because of martial arts, sects, systems, etc.


Completely different. Only the fact that the MC is a judge thanks to a system is the same.

NamelessDandelion:Is it straight up copying or changing names and situations? I want to read the original one

Yes, I've seen it haha. Just that the concept is the same. I would rather read this one because the translation is pretty good, but they don't translate continuously. The other one, the MTL is too confusing. Sometimes I don't know what are they talking about and it's not enjoyable

KIING:Completely different. Only the fact that the MC is a judge thanks to a system is the same.

the trial process is more innovative and detailed in this one