I think the title should be changed to 'making the second lead life miserable while living happily with first lead'. I hate Selena, not because she's selfish or was playing for both teams, it's because she act like a victim, pushing all the blame on Charlton, asking him the impossible just so she can feel good about what she did, it felt like she was waiting for him to refuse just so she can throw at him the cold truth, so when she think about the past she won't feel guilty cause for her it's all Charlton's fault... Well, all of this is just a personal opinion, the story is well writing, quick updates, lot of people seems to enjoy the story development, so who am i to say no. I'll just drop this, maybe come back to see how things ended, or maybe not, i don't want to see Selena and Charlton back together, what happened is too much to be fixed again
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LIKEI am agree in these part : serena being ended up with charlton again, I think it will make novel hollow, I mean charlton should move on, I know it is a female protagonist but that doesn’t mean this, 2nd serena' s development , one of the worst development of fl, i mean she literally did nothing in these years and she also didn’t oppose Geoffrey in past strongly, she even didn’t hear leonard's warning now come back to geoffrey , actually if you re-read earlier chap his character is just like this, I mean kinda complex and he will do anything to earn what belongs to him, actually the perason who is responsible for charlton's this situation is also him, his plan so don’t you think it will be great show geoffrey vs new charlton coz not only geo took his lover but also make his sweet mom cry ( every woman's dream mother in law, perhaps), his dad also in jail actaully charlton is perfect for modern romance,rom com,steamy or slow paced modern romance.Don' YOU think his character is simp and too naive for fantasy genre where men are like hyenas. I mean he should hit ruthlessly or kill Geoffrey when he saw that scene in ball, He is practical shouldn’t he be more careful, i mean he choose the path of thief, so he should do that act properly to steal the product successfully, also he choose his family but now he is regreeting...
Most of novels with this kind of settings has the second lead being this hidden boss, who carry the FL through the story, so Charlton being little naïve and not the perfect ML we always get was refreshing for me, I hoped the FL to do the carrying this time, not literally, but at least not shove everything on his back and work together to the top, but she turned into this weak and hopeless girl... maybe I just had high hopes for her, and she was always like this. I dropped the story, so I didn't know of the Geo vs new Charl arc, that would be interesting to see, I just hope he does it for his family not cause of the FL. But at the same time if you think about it, isn't the outcome of that clear? I can't see them coexist with each other, so Charlton will just become a stepping stone to solidifier their relationship, since the FL needs her "happy ending".
I am totally agree with you . Actually man like charlton we need an understanding ,not a spoiled brat ....
I personally think that Serena’s character is good. she did not mess charlton’s life, she backed away from him as he did to her. what does she do? She’s in an era where women were like second class cItizens despite their sTatus. When geoffrey dies she’ll be on her Own anD that’s the time she will seek some vengEAnce. i think she’s the best FL to be honest. What did charlton lose? He only had a broken heart. Yes his dad got imPrisoned but he reallY did some crime. Serena on the other hand she got pregnant. She also has to think for herself and her family and the child. trying to latch on charlton would also bring him trouble so she also let go. both of them let go. Sorry, thATs my thOught as the author. aish. i dont get why charlton gets all the pitY. Serena made the moSt of what she can have. that she is happy now, it’s all good. but what about later? Aish. im also not over this story wanting to defend my characters hahaha!
Hello! Just want to say that the sequel for this novel is now serializing. If interested, the title is ‘treacherous hearts: return of the second male lead’ you may add it to your lib! Thanks!!!!