
Review Detail of Tyrannical_Book in Infinite Blood Core

Review detail


Copying comment from NU:- As a new novel by the same author who has gone through disaster (undecided ban limbo, which means that RI very likely won't see the light of day again)... we should give him the publicity and support he needs even though we're on the other side of the world. And also... an accurate rating. Just spend a little more time with this author (and more chapters) to realize how much more work he puts into his writing compared to others. RI got a lower rating because of the evil MC. It's like people couldn't help but stare at a piece of dirt on the floor of a celestial palace. So what? Anyways, I'm sure with his 7-8 years of experience this novel will be amazing, maybe even more-so than RI. So, I don't mind giving this 5-stars right now. Even if it's just to show my sentiment. Also, this author could use a good, dedicated translator to compliment him. So please... somebody help? *kowtows* EDIT: Alright, it looks like this review somehow got to the top. So I'll start off by thanking everybody. Also, I'm currently helping edit the translation and there are some things I would like to let the average reader know. First off, this is a very slow novel. It's also a very different novel than RI. Sometimes I feel like everything the author says is redundant and unnecessary. As if he's going on and on about something that I don't care about. (It's not actually redundant, it's just that it can feel that way). You should get used to this type of writing style (like I am), maybe going from the traditional fast-paced novel will feel very jarring for many of you. I'm sure that a large majority of people scoping out this novel in the future will either cross it off their list or drop it because of this style. It's not for everybody. So don't start reading this novel expecting the immediate pay-offs you're accustomed to. Those expectations will only leave you with disappointment. And I hope that, by reading this review, more people don't drop this novel because of their broken expectations. It's a really good way to ruin a novel. Anyways, now that we got past the most important part. I'll tell the readers that think they have more patience that you will definitely be rewarded. If there is one thing I learned from reading RI, it's that this author can absolutely reward you after his long build-u**. I have experience reading novels where it's just power-up after power-up, realm and then higher realm, all with no real payoff. It's the most frustrating thing and it makes me want to forsake Chinese novels altogether. RI did it right. So, while we haven't finished book 1, I can afford to put my expectations higher. Altogether, we should expect power to be a changing dynamic in this novel, while also balancing many other factors, providing a fulfilling experience. These are some of the main reasons you should look forward to this novel and start reading it. As of now, there aren't many chapters out so I can't comment much about concrete details because the beginning arc is slow. I'll try to post another update once we've finished book 1. In the meantime, if you got here from somewhere other than RI, you should read it to get a better feel for the author and not take my word on it. Trust yourself not me. EDIT #2: Okay, I've caught up to the raws and want to make some more things clear. The beginning is slow, very slow. Lots of time is spent on trivial things, and it's difficult to get used to. The MC doesn't have any cheat from the beginning, and we get a small cast of characters, with a relatively small and boxed in setting. This stays true for the whole of book 1. Things feel stifled for a long time, but surprisingly, the author does a really good job nonetheless. The character's backstories are well developed, and each has a unique personality. There is an aspect to all the characters that I enjoy. And, although the MC has a very "white knight" attitude for the first few arcs, we get a lot of color added to his character later. The developments are very interesting, and even at this point in the story, I'm still not sure what the MC is going to end up like. I'll just tell you this, the MC is a diverse character, and while he tries to adhere to good morals, there is no absolute. For the rest of the characters, their personalities are just as interesting as the MC, and the deadly situations the MC and cast are driven into show us their depth. The author consistently uses flashbacks to further develop the MC and other important characters, and while I was skeptical at first, some of these flashbacks were really eye-opening. They can be a nice change of pace from the setting and pace of the first book. The world-building and the magic system are developed in chunks over time, and while it still seems like we know very little, I'm surprised by how much the author condenses information into seemingly small events. All of these detailed explanations remain relevant throughout the entirety of book 1. Even the events from the first 10 chapters remain important. The past chapters can be read through for explanations to future chapters. Overall, I'm very surprised how well the author is doing in this different type of novel. Everything feels like it's building into something. And that's because it is. This is the type of writing you can expect from the author. Don't be deterred by the haters that can't stomach this sort of novel, there will be plenty of them. Where there are innovation and change, there will always be a disproportionate amount of people who are against it. I'm sticking to what I've believed from the beginning. This novel holds even more potential than I thought possible. Hopefully, the author is able to tap into this potential in future books. Book 1 has just felt like a massive teaser... well one that does an insane amount of character development. I'm looking forward to it, and will gladly read my daily chapter for the years to come :) ! <<less

Infinite Blood Core

Gu Zhen Ren

Liked by 158 people




Kinda late here but are you sure that its true and not just something made up?.

MR_FOOL_:The author said that by the end of infinite blood core if the ban is not lifted he will send RI chapters by whatsapp or other social media but he does intend to post it afterall he has completed writing it.

Put in your library for pick up don't waste your time


Seems like a nice novel, I've always liked slower ones that cover the everyday peaceful life


Firstly, thank you so much for a real review. Second, Just hope it won't be stopped just like every other good novel here.... that is, if it's as good as you described.


you can read on NU ''novelupdates' Translator is Skyfarrow of RI there's currently 368 raws on Qidian and 60 Translated ch

MochiFeelings:Firstly, thank you so much for a real review. Second, Just hope it won't be stopped just like every other good novel here.... that is, if it's as good as you described.

RI was an absolut masterpiece of a work! Although I shouldn’t expect this to be the same just because the same author wrote it, I still hope it’s as good as you say!


isn't there supposed to be novels released every Friday I can't find novel to read today?


Seems like a cool novel, but noob question, what is RI


Reverend Insanity. You should go ahead and read it. You won't regret it.

Sleeping_Leviathan:Seems like a cool novel, but noob question, what is RI

Sad to say but i only have one huge question From all of this... what is NU?


Novel updates

Demonshadow639:Sad to say but i only have one huge question From all of this... what is NU?

novel updates NU where translators host their translated novels

Demonshadow639:Sad to say but i only have one huge question From all of this... what is NU?

Slow novels aren't bad. It's just the massive info dumps of unneeded info, and the lack of smoothness both in the pacing and the transition from one plot to the next that is pretty annoying.


The author said that by the end of infinite blood core if the ban is not lifted he will send RI chapters by whatsapp or other social media but he does intend to post it afterall he has completed writing it.


Well of i have to read multiple arc from a book to find it interesting 🤨 than its not for me,, not even gonna bother..


I need your help bro, what happened to the romance? Read the Mtl and I don't understand anything after Chapter 190 👁️👄👁️


this one's first big plot reveal happens at ch 173 it's hella slow

MAsteri:Seems like a nice novel, I've always liked slower ones that cover the everyday peaceful life

RI was a masterpiece, pity some idiots banned it



MR_FOOL_:The author said that by the end of infinite blood core if the ban is not lifted he will send RI chapters by whatsapp or other social media but he does intend to post it afterall he has completed writing it.

well i hope this ban will be over at that time 😑😤 how can that ban this masterpice

MR_FOOL_:The author said that by the end of infinite blood core if the ban is not lifted he will send RI chapters by whatsapp or other social media but he does intend to post it afterall he has completed writing it.